Ishvara Krishna

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Ishvara Krishna (Iśvarakṛṣṇa) (c.350 - c.425 CE) was the author of the Samkhya Karika, the earliest extant text of the Samkhya school of Indian philosophy, though the Samkhya school had been in existence for at least a millennium before him.


[edit] Life and works

Almost nothing is known of Ishvara Krishna's life. In Sāṁkhya Kārikā, he described himself as being in the succession of the disciples from the great sage Kapila, through Āsuri and Pañcaśikha[1]. His Sāṁkhya Kārikā consists 72 ślokas written in the Ārya metre. The last 3 ślokas were probably added later[2].

The earliest important commentary on his Kārikā was written by Gaudapada. Another important commenatary is Vacaspati Mishra's Sāṁkhyatattvakaumudī (9th century CE).

[edit] Translations of Samkhya Karika

The Sāṁkhya Kārikā was translated into Chinese in c. 6th century CE. In 1832, Christian Lassen translated the text in Latin. H.T. Colebrooke first translated this text into English. Windischmann and Lorinser translated it into German and Pautier and St. Hilaire translated it into French.

[edit] See also

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Davies, John (1881, reprint 2000) Hindu Philosophy, Routledge,London, ISBN 0-415-24519-2,p.100
  2. ^ Davies, John (1881, reprint 2000) Hindu Philosophy, Routledge,London, ISBN 0-415-24519-2,p.10

[edit] References

  • Daniel P. Sheridan, (Īshvarakrishna, in Great Thinkers of the Eastern World, Ian McGreal, ed., New York: Harper Collins, 1995, pp. 194-197.

[edit] External links