Ishtar Terra

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Ishtar Terra

Topography of Ishar Terra
Feature type Terra
Coordinates 70.4° N, 27.5° W
Diameter 5,610.0
Eponym Ishtar
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Ishtar Terra is one of two main highland regions on the planet Venus. It is the smaller of the two "continents", and is located in the northern hemisphere near the north pole. It is named after the Akkadian goddess Ishtar.

The size of Ishtar Terra is roughly between the sizes of Australia and the continental United States. On its eastern edge lies the great mountain Maxwell Montes, which is 11km compared to Mt. Everest at 8.8km. On one side of the mountain chain is an impact crater of 100km in diameter filled with lava.[citation needed]

Ishtar Terra contains the four main mountain ranges of Venus named Maxwell Montes which is on the east coast, Frejya Montes in the north, Akna Montes on the west coast , and Danu Montes a part of the southern region. These surround the lower plain of Ishtar Terra, which is named Lakshmi Planum (The Lakshmi Planum is named after the Hindu goddess Lakshmi).

Ishtar Terra also contains volcanoes named after famous women: Sacajawea, Colette, and Cleopatra. Ishtar Terra is also the site of much tessera, which might provide evidence that the planet's surface is in motion.[citation needed]

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