Ischys (organisation)

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Ischys (Greek: ΙΣΧΥΣ) is the name of a global-coverage Cyprus Youth and Students NGO Youth Organisation in Cyprus that embraces Cypriot Students and Young Scientists.

Ischys aims to achieve the active promotion of modern European ideals, as inspired the ancient Greek Heritage.

Ischys constitutes the first non-governmental youth organisation in Cyprus. Embracing and enhancing in every way the promotion of the most capable new scientists and the essential and long-term resolution of problems and concerns of amounting students of Cyprus.

The organisation is in constant maintaining of relations with European and world counterparts, colleague students that seek to offer to their society.

Maintaining organised local delegations in the United Kingdom, France, America, Greece, Hungary, Italy and Germany, Ischys constantly undertakes new initiatives that lead to thorough proposals, studies, suggestions, completed deposits from capable and exempted from clusters youth, rendering the students and young Cypriot scientists eminently active citizens. Our congresses, the enlightening campaigns, the recreational events as well as the statements and opinions that Ischys has deposited before Cyprus' people's eyes during its existence, have left a vivid sign of the things to come, in the Cypriot society.

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