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[edit] Profile

I'm a teenager that likes fantasy, and Science-fiction, and have two brothers. A half brother, and 1 step brother. And two sisters. I also had another sister, who is deseased, she died of something I will not mention. And I had a brother that was a twin of my 4 year old sister who died while he was still in my mothers whom. And had a sister Shanon who was still-born. And another that died in a way I can't remember. And I used to go to Midvale middle school, but am now homeschooled. But I'll probably be returning to school soon.

And I have a youtube account with the same username as mine on this site. And I am an author for a website that if I mentioned it the information would be deleted since for some reason it would I guess be "not verifiable." And on that site, I have the penname "Silverterror", and have written a buch of books on it. But some I deleted for reasons I won't mention.

[edit] Personal life

I live in Midvale, Utah, with my older brother, and father. My parents had a divorce, and my mom married this guy with the imvu username T.C., his real name is Frank. And this is wrong. And I was on a long-term suspension, that's how I'll put, from Midvale Middle school for a thing I will not give out info. about on the internet. I'm know homeschooled. But a few weeks ago, I went to the Jordan School District hearing with my dad, and before that the district lifted the suspension, meaning ended it. And are now deciding what will happen to me next. I have gone through counciling since september of 2007. And I really wish that I never went through this. But oh well, life must go on. And I used to have a friend, Nicole Bergsma, Nikki is her nickname. I told her on the phone what I was suspended for, and I made her promise not to tell anybody, but she told her parents anyway. And we have stopped being friends. And I used to have a girlfriend, but she's been my ex since I was in sixth-grade. Her name is Cierra Maple. And she moved to Arizona. And my life was a big disaster. And is still. And I became a born-again Christian sometime in october of 2006. And Jesus is the way, the truth, and life. And I haven't gone to church in a long time now.

[edit] Favorites

And my favorite movies are: Bridge to Terabithia (2007), the Star Wars saga, especially episode III: The revenge of the sith, the lord of the rings trilogy extended editions, ten times better then the original theatrical editions!, the spider-man trilogy, and ghostrider. And my favorite books are: Don't have very many, but I like Bridge to Terabithia. But it has a sad ending, won't give it away if you haven't read it, or haven't seem the 1985, and 2007 versions of the movies. And there's a bunch of stories for it on this one website that I won't mention, for certain reasons. And my interests are: Fantasy, Science-fiction, and the actress Annasophia Robb, she's really nice looking. And I like her. Maybe one day she'll marry me.

That's all folks, except the fact I like Mountain Dew, and drink way to much of it!