Isakas Vistaneckis

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Isakas Vistaneckis (Isaak, Itzhak Vistinietzki) (born 29 September 1910 – died 30 December 2000), a Jewish chess master from Lithuania.

[edit] Biography

In 1930, Isakas Vistaneckis won a Lithuanian Championship. In May 1931, he won the 1st Baltic Championship at Klaipeda. In 1935, he won a Lithuanian Championship. In 1935, he drew a match against Vladas Mikenas (+5 –5 =6).[1]

Isakas Vistaneckis played for Lithuania in five official Chess Olympiads and in unofficial Olympiad at Munich 1936:

  • In July 1930, at third board at 3rd Olympiad in Hamburg (+3 –9 =4).
  • In July 1931, at third board at 4th Olympiad in Prague (+2 –8 =4).
  • In July 1933, at third board at 5th Olympiad in Folkestone (+4 –3 =6).
  • In August 1935, at third board at 6th Olympiad in Warsaw (+3 –8 =4).
  • In August/September 1936, at third board at unofficial Olympiad in Munich (+9 –4 =7).
  • In July/August 1937, at third board at 7th Olympiad in Stockholm (+5 –8 =3).[2]

In 1941, he won the 1st Lithuanian SSR Championship. In June 1941, he played at Rostov-on-Don (sf USSR ch.). In 1942, he tied for 4th-7th at Sverdlovsk, behind Viacheslav Ragozin, Vladimirs Petrovs, and Alexei Sokolsky. In February–March 1944, he played at Omsk (sf USSR ch.). In 1945, he tied for 6th-8th at Baku (sf USSR ch.). In October–November 1945, he tied for 3rd-4th with Alexander Koblencs, behind Mikenas and Alexander Tolush, at Riga (Baltic Republics ch.). In June–July 1946, he took 2nd, behind Yuri Averbakh, at Vilnius (Baltic Rep. ch). In 1947, he won a match against Zagoriansky (+4 –2 =8).

In 1947, he took 12th at Sverdlovsk (sf USSR ch.). In 1949, he tied for 9th-10 th at Vilnius (sf USSR ch.). In 1950, he tied for 14 th-15 th at Tula (sf USSR ch.). In 1951, he tied for 9th-10th at Lvov (sf USSR ch.). In 1953, he took 13th at Vilnius (sf USSR ch.). In 1954, he tied for 3rd-4th at Vilnius (Quadrangular). In 1954, he tied for 14th-15th at Erevan (sf USSR ch.). In 1957, he tied for 8th-9th at Minsk (zt USSR ch.). In 1960, he tied for 16 th-17 th at Vilnius (sf USSR ch.). In 1961, he tied for 13th-15th at Palanga (Baltic Rep. ch.). In 1962, he tied for 11th-12th at Tbilisi. In 1963, he tied for 13th-14th in Estonia (Baltic Rep. ch.). In 1964, he took 10th at Pärnu (Baltic Rep. ch.).[3]

Vistaneckis played many times at Lithuanian SSR championships. In 1949, he tied for 1st with Ratmir Kholmov at Vilnius. In 1954, he won, ahead of Mikenas, at Vilnius. In 1956, he won at Kaunas. In 1959, he tied for 1st with Kholmov at Vilnius. In 1960, he took 2nd at Vilnius. In 1964, he tied for 2nd-3rd with Česnauskas, behind Mikenas, at Vilnius.

At the end of 1970s, he emigrated to Israel.

[edit] Notable chess games

[edit] References

  1. ^ Litmanowicz, Władysław & Giżycki, Jerzy (1986, 1987). Szachy od A do Z. Wydawnictwo Sport i Turystyka Warszawa. ISBN 83-217-2481-7 (1. A-M), ISBN 83-217-2745-x (2. N-Z).
  2. ^ OlimpBase :: the encyclopaedia of team chess
  3. ^ Russian Chess Base