Isabella Neville

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Isabella Neville (5 September 1451 - 22 December 1476) was the elder daughter of Richard Neville, 16th Earl of Warwick, the Kingmaker of the Wars of the Roses, and Anne Neville, 16th Countess of Warwick.

She was born at Warwick Castle. In 1469 her ambitious father engaged her to England's heir presumptive, George Plantagenet, 1st Duke of Clarence, brother to Edward IV of England. The king was against the marriage, which accordingly took place at a secret ceremony at Calais, conducted by Isabella's relation George Neville, Archbishop of York, on 11 July 1469. Their first child, Anne, was either stillborn or died shortly after birth, on a ship just off the coast of France, near Calais, on 16 April 1470 . In 1473 she gave birth to a daughter called Margaret and in 1475 to a son called Edward. On 6 October 1476 she gave birth to a short lived son, Richard, who died 1 January 1477. Isabella died a few months after the birth at Warwick Castle. At the time it was believed that she had been poisoned, and her servant Ankarette Twynho was hanged for this crime. It is now believed that she died of either childbed fever or tuberculosis (consumption). [1]

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