
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[edit] Greetings!

I don't really do all that much significant editing. The most I've done will probably be my page (this one, if you aren't following). My edits are, more often than not, fixing English errors (albeit typographical, grammatical, etc) or minor factual updates.

[edit] About Me?

I'm Australian, I'm male, and I'm 18 (June '89 bebé). My interests lay in web development, and programming - primarily, XHTML and CSS, combined with PHP. I have some knowledge with other languages, but those three are my forté (if you can call the former two languages). I'm also looking into learning Spanish. I have a very limited understanding of it, but getting there. I also like to snuggle teddybears while playing WarCraft 3.

[edit] Bye!

Hope you.. had fun?