User:Ireland girl

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Ireland girl
In development
Name Conni Rose Dawson
Gender Female
Birth date February 26 1993
Birthplace Eniskillen, Northern Ireland
Occupation Secondary school student
Religion Buddist
Politics Not interested
IQ roughly 136 (I did the test a while ago)
Contact info
  • Wikipedia
    • Nightwish
    • Ireland
  • People
    • Friendship
    • Their interests
    • Their taste in music

[edit] Conni's page

My name is Conni Dawson. I was born on 26-2-1993. I'm thirteen years old and I owe the fact that I'm on Wikepedia to my friend Joep Vullings.[[1]] I live in Milheeze[[2]] in The Netherlands and my aim in Wikepedia is to make as many pages about my hometowns of:

At the moment though I am working on Nightwish. I'm trying to get it all translated into Dutch. Wish me luck :P