Iraqi Special Security Organization

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SSO organization
SSO organization

The Iraqi Special Security Organization (SSO) (Arabic: Al-Amn al-Khas) was the most powerful Iraqi security agency under President Saddam Hussein and was responsible for personal security of high-ranking government officials and presidential facilities.[1] Its director, Hani Abd Al-Latif Tilfah Al-Tikriti was the seventh most wanted Iraqi government individual by the United States. He was the highest-ranking unpictured person in the U.S. Army most-wanted Iraqi playing cards (the king of hearts) and second highest yet to be found.[2] SSO was officially dissolved on May 23, 2003 per Order Number 2 of the Coalition Provisional Authority under Paul Bremer.[3]

[edit] Directors

According to the Iraq Survey Group Final Report:[4]

  • Husayn Kamil Hasan Al Majid (1983-1989)
  • Fannar Zibin Al Hasan (Gulf War)
  • Qusay Hussein (1991 or 1992-2001)
  • Walid Hamid Tawfiq (2001-2002)

[edit] References

  1. ^ "Iraq's Security and Intelligence Network: A Guide and Analysis", Middle East Review of International Affairs, 2002-09. Retrieved on 2008-01-23. 
  2. ^ Nizza, Mike. "Another Deck of Cards for U.S. Troops in Iraq", The New York Times, 2007-06-19. Retrieved on 2008-01-27. 
  3. ^ Coalition Provisional Authority Order Number 2: Dissoulution of Entities
  4. ^ Duelfer, Charles (2004-09-30). Iraq’s Security Services. Iraq Survey Group Final Report. Retrieved on 2008-01-28.

[edit] External links