Iraqi Army Ranks Insignia

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[edit] Iraqi military ranks

Every military needs discipline and respect in order to achieve its objective. The military uses ranks in order to achieve a chain of command that is responsible for work to go smoothly. The Iraqi Military uses a very well known system of ranking in order to achieve its objectives.

[edit] History

The Iraqi military adopted its system of ranking from the British Military. The Iraqi Military uses one of the most known ranking systems. The ranks are very similar of the American counter parts, but they differ in the way they appear.

[edit] Officer ranks

Order Rank Insignia
1 (Highest Rank) Field Marshal مهيب
2 General فريق أول
3 Lieutenant General فريق
4 Major General لواء
5 Brigadier General عميد
6 Colonel عقيد
7 Lieutenant Colonel مقدم
8 Major رائد
9 Captain نقيب
10 1st Lieutenant ملازم أول
11 (Lowest rank) 2nd Lieutenant ملازم

Lower officer ranks

  • 2nd Lieutenant "MOLAZIM" (ملازم) is the junior officer and the first officer rank. It is portrayed by one star on the shoulder.
  • 1st Lieutenant "MOLAZIM AWAL" (ملازم أول) is the second rank of officer. It is portrayed by two stars on the shoulder.
  • Captain "NAQEEB" (نقيب) is the third rank of officer. They usually are the start of considerable responsibility level. They are portrayed by three stars on the shoulder.
  • Major "RA'ED" (رائد) is the forth of the officer ranks, it is portrayed by the republican eagle.
  • lieutenant Colonel "MOQADDAM" (مقدم) is the junior grade for colonel and usually holds a great deal of responsibility, especially in the military medical field. It is portrayed by the republican eagle and a star.
  • Colonel "AQEED" (عقيد) is the senior officer for the type of officers listed above. It is portrayed by two stars and the republican eagle.

Upper officer ranks (generals)

  • Brigadier General "AMID" (عميد) is the lowest general rank. They take command of the direct field oporations and are directors of some corps. i.e Royal maintenance corp. It is portrayed by three stars in a triangle shape with the republican eagle above them.
  • Major General "LIWA" (لواء) is the second highest general rank. They are usually responsible in the highest military positions with considerable military authority. It is portrayed by two swords crossing with the republican eagle above them.
  • lieutenant general "FAREEQ" (فريق) it is perhaps the rank with most of the general authority and responsibility. It is usually for direct assistants of the head of joint chiefs of staff of the military. It is portrayed by two crossing swords with a star and the republican eagle above them.
  • General or Full General "FAREEQ AWAL" (فريق أول) is usually the head of joint chiefs of staff. He (after the President) has the most authority over the military and is considered to be the most powerful general. It is portrayed by two swords crossing with two stars and the republican eagle above them.
  • Field Marshal "MUHEEB" (مهيب) is the highest military rank and the commander-in-chief of the military. This rank is reserved for the president. It is portrayed by two crossing swords and two wheat plants around it with the republican eagle above them.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links
