Iraq support to Baloch

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Baluch-Land divided into three nations Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan. Balochi History goes before Christian era. Baluchis always got help from Arab world from centuries. Baluch Arab relations can be truce before Arabs came to their land. When Muslims army attack Persia, Baluchis decided to help Arabs and through their land, Arabs successfully conquered Afghanistan/Pakistan and surrounding areas. Baluch Arab nationalist leaders’ relation can be find in records start of 20th century and especially in 1950s, 1960s, 1970s and 1980s from Baath Party of Iraq and Syria till Egyptian nationalist government.


[edit] History

During Iraq war of independence from Persia, Baluch used to live near Iran-Iraq boarder but as time passed, Baluch were forced to move east wards and till they reached Indus Valley. In 1950s, Iraq was major support for Baluchis against Tehran. Rebel leader Dad Shah was very famous in Iraq’s media. He killed in 1957 but Iraq support continued and it was destroy for Shah of Iran when instead rebellion should ended after Dad Shah but rebellion created a civil war in Iranian Balochistan. American asset Shah of Iran, Iran forces successfully put down rebellion start of 1960s. Many Baluchis went underground and reorganised. In 1968, help of Iraq and other Arab nationalist leaders, Baluch once again started revolt against Shah of Iran which least in 1975 by Shah of Iran persuading one of the main Baluch nationalist and tribal chief for negations. In 1970s, Iraq ties were gone stronger with Baluch by supporting both sides of boarder Baluch separatist groups. From 1973 to 1977 Iraq helped Baluchi revolt in Pakistan. In February 1973, Balochistan provincial government dismissed by Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and arrest of three main Baluch nationalist leaders because of arms discover in Iraqi embassy. Pakistan government also announced that Iraq and Soviet plan to break Pakistan and Iran. Help of Reza Shah of Iran, Pakistan succeed to finish insurgence in Balochistan in 1977 and Baluch nationalist leaders who were in the prison since 1973; some of them migrated to Afghanistan, Gulf states and UK. In 1980 Iran-Iraq War, Iraq once again supported Baluch to keep Iranian forces busy on eastern front where Iraq can have better advantages of war on western front. In June 1991, Saddam Hussein removed one of his most honourable commander’s General Wafiq Samarrai because his increase ties with Tehran. It was General Samarrai in 1994, who revealed that Iraqi Intelligence Service relations very well- established with both side boarder Baluchis and during the Iran-Iraq War intelligence had an office in the UAE in city of Dubai, which was, ran by Baluchis. Iraq ties with Baluch were came better propests in the front of West because of Ramzi Yousef.

[edit] Alo see

[edit] References

  • Study of Revenge: The First World Trade Center Attack and Saddam Hussein's War Against America By Laurie Mylroie

Summary, ISBN 0844741698.

  • Political Terrorism: A New Guide to Actors, Authors, Concepts, Data Bases, Theories, & Literature By Albert J. Jongman, Alex Peter Schmid, ISBN 1412804698
  • In Afghanistan's Shadow: Baluch Nationalism and Soviet Temptation by Selig Harrison
  • Inside Baluchistan, a Political Authorbiography by Mir Ahmad Khan Baluch

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