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Invasion3042 is an Online Massive Multiplayer game based in the Battletech Universe. The game focuses on empire creation and war against other players. Based in a persistant universe, the dynamics of the game shift based on player actions and input, including realistic economic situations. The game is written in C# and utilizes the .net architecture.


[edit] Game Setup

The Game allows players to choose as either one of the Clans, Successor States, Periphery States, or Mercenaries. They essentially build an empire and use the resources of their empire to run a military. The players can choose to fight their prized BattleMechs in either a private arena or in an all out Free For All against whomever may join in. Since the game is constantly changing; War between two empires will soon allow empires to fight against each other with the entire force of their military for the possibility of conquering and acquiring valuable land, resources, or money. (note: War has yet to be fully coded as the game is in a permanent state of BETA and will continue to change as the needs of the user base changes.)

[edit] Infrastructure

There are many different paths open to the players in this game: such as the desire to become a military force to be reckoned with, a researcher wielding a vast variety of buildings and military units, a commercial power, or even a miner. All buildings require specific numbers of building points to build, which are generated by production facilities every game day. Various research projects require specific numbers of research points to research the theory of the desired item, and then the practical research of the item itself. Commercial buildings can be created to generate additional revenue into the empire that the player is able to use any which way he or she wishes. Lastly, refineries may also be built to mine into the planet and obtain the precious minerals that happen to rest inside. It is possible for a player to attempt to be a jack of all trades, but the mode of the game encourages someone to specialize and a team effort to occur to obtain whatever is desired.

The military powers in the game must develop bays to house the military units when they are not in combat. Repair facilities are also built so that the units can be repaired should they suffer any damage as a result of battle. Training facilities are built to educate the soldiers inside the units on how to best use their weapons, increasing accuracy. The repair and training facilities both generate quantities of points that vary depending upon the quality of the building, and these points are used at the discretion of the player to train and repair units.

[edit] Premise of War

War will essentially involve empires sending their mechs offworld and into enemy territory to attempt to conquer another zone. They will have to load their units into a hired Dropship and move through space using jump routes to reach their target.

War will be performed by infantry, vehicle, mech, and aerospace forces that are bought by a specific unit, trained, and maintained. The types of units are categorized as being Innersphere produced or Clan produced. By being Innersphere produced, the unit is cheaper to obtain, maintain, and more of them can be used in an attack. Since Innersphere units are more plentiful than Clan units, Innersphere units are considered to be more expendable and easier to replace since the Innersphere technology is regarded to be inferior to the Clan technology by many. By being Clan produced, the unit is more expensive to obtain, maintain, and less of them can be used in an attack. Due to their low numbers, Clan units are considered very precious and will not be used as rashly. Because of this, the Clans have developed a system to try to minimize their losses while still being able to maintain the destructive power their technology possesses.

[edit] Premise of Battle

Battle is conducted where a military force with a battle value in a specific range is selected to find against a relatively equal defense force. There are no restrictions on whether the military forces must be all mechs, all vehicles, all infantry, all aerospace, or any mixture of the previous, as the player can field whatever his or her infrastructure will permit. It is up to the player to select the units to use as whatever he or she feels best suits the terrain of the battlefield.

Both players are given an amount of time to move their units every turn, and then they are given a certain amount of time to fire the weapons in the units. The heat generated by these weapons will need to be carefully monitored to ensure that the player does not go over the limit that the unit can handle and suffer penalties as a result, such as slower movement, penalties to hit the target, risking ammo explosions, pilot loss of consciousness, or the unit shutting down to cool, becoming inable to move or shoot. Combat is resolved when only one military force remains in the zone, whether the enemy has been destroyed or has retreated is irrelevent, but the zone will belong to the military force remaining in the zone.

[edit] Major Alliances

Invasion3042 uses a system of Political Entities that basically allow people to work in a group with their friends for the better good of their faction. There are four main types of alliances:

[edit] The Successor States

The Successor States are the groups of planets that surround the planet Terra. Each one of the Successor States hosts a greater number of planets relative to the other groups. The Successor States are the following:

House Davion

House Kurita

House Liao

House Marik

House Rasalhague

House Steiner

[edit] The Clans

The Clans are the descendants of Kerensky and his followers that left the Innersphere in disgust. Centuries have passed, and the Clans have re-emerged with a greater technology. The Clans tend to have a fewer number of planets than the Successor States and Periphery States, and tend to use their combined strength to get what they need. The Clans meet in sessions of the Grand Council to determine the needed course, and whatever other matters need attention. The Clans are the following:

Blood Spirit


Cloud Cobra

Diamond Shark

Fire Mandrill

Ghost Bear

Hells Horses

Ice Hellion

Jade Falcon

Kraken Guard

Nova Cat

Smoke Jaguar

Snow Raven

Star Adder

Steel Viper


[edit] The Periphery States

The Periphery States are independent powers that tend to have several planets under their control and act to their own benefit. The Periphery States form a ring around the Successor States. The Periphery States are the following:

Circinus Federation

Lothian League

Magistry of Canopus, The

Marian Hegemony

Mica Majority

Niops Association

Outworld's Alliance

Santander's World

St. Ives

Taurian Concordat

Tortuga Dominion

[edit] Mercenaries

The Mercenaries owe their loyalty to whoever pays the highest. The Mercenaries tend to be restricted to either a single or a pair of planets under their control. The Mercenaries are the following:

Eridani Light Horse

Northwind Highlanders

Wolfs Dragoons

Kell Hounds

It should also be pointed out that the Clans are the only group that has regular access to the highly advanced Clan technology, while the Successor States, Mercenaries, and Periphery States use the Innersphere technology unless they can salvage or trade for Clan Tech.

[edit] References

Invasion3042 website