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Tort law
Part of the common law series
Intentional torts
Assault  · Battery  · False imprisonment
Intentional infliction of
emotional distress (IIED)
Consent  · Necessity  · Self defense
Property torts
Trespass  · Conversion
Detinue  · Replevin  · Trover
Dignitary torts
Defamation  · Invasion of privacy
Breach of confidence  · Abuse of process
Malicious prosecution
Alienation of affections
Economic torts
Fraud  · Tortious interference
Conspiracy  · Restraint of trade
Public nuisance  · Rylands v. Fletcher
Duty of care  · Standard of care
Proximate cause  · Res ipsa loquitur
Calculus of negligence
Rescue doctrine  · Duty to rescue
Specific kinds of negligence
Negligent infliction of
emotional distress (NIED)
In employment  · Entrustment
Duty to visitors
Trespassers  · Licensees  · Invitees
Attractive nuisance
Strict liability torts
Product liability  · Ultrahazardous activity
Liability, defences, remedies
Comparative and contributory negligence
Last clear chance  · Eggshell skull
Vicarious liability  · Volenti non fit injuria
Ex turpi causa non oritur actio
Damages  · Injunction
Common law
Contract law  · Property law
Wills and trusts
Criminal law  · Evidence

In the law of torts, an invitee is a person who is invited to land by the possessor of the land as a member of the public, or one who's invited to the land for the purpose of business dealings with the possessor of the land. The status of a visitor as an invitee (as opposed to a trespasser or a licensee) defines the legal rights of the visitor if they are injured due to the negligence of the property owner.

The property owner has a duty to make the property safe for the invitee, which includes conducting a reasonable inspection of the premises to uncover hidden dangers. The property owner also has a duty to warn the invitee of hazardous conditions that can not be fixed. Furthermore, property owners assume a duty to rescue an invitee who falls into peril while visiting the property. If an independent contractor hired by the landowner injures an invitee (intentionally or through negligence), the owner can be held vicariously liable. This represents the broadest duty of care owed to any class of visitors to the property.

It should be noted that a property owner who selectively limits entry to the property - to paying customers, to a set number of people, or even in a discriminatory fashion - is nonetheless opening the property to invitees,[clarify] so long as the property owner holds the property open to some segment of the general public.