Talk:Integrated Rural Development Programme
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IRD is evolved based on the assumption- “Rural Development is a system of interdependent and interacting element” It is the integrated development of different rural sub-systems. Sub-systems are-
- production pattern - rural settlement - infrastructure network - employment pattern - rural organization & institutional system
These sub-system will affect each other. So, the coordinated development of rural sub-systems is treated as ‘integrated rural development.’ Again, each sub-system has a number of development components. As for example-
If agriculture production can be treated as a sub-system, then it must have some development components- - land & water for cultivation - land tenure practices - agriculture production techniques - credit - processing & marketing - institutional arrangements
As this sub-system, every sub-system has some development components and lack of attention to any of the critical components within the sub-system can seriously jeopardize the expected results of the development initiative; So, it requires to develop a coordinated approach. That’s why, integrated approach is evolved An integrated rural development approach tries to -----a) identify the development components within each sub-system,
b) analyze their interdependencies within the sub-system in relation to the actual conditions obtaining in the area,
c) establish their connections with other development components in other sub-systems making up the rural development system
d) determine on the basis of certain principles and criteria what mix of the development components will have the maximum effect in achieving a particular objective 13th FAO Regional Conference for Latin America defined integrated rural development as “an integrated set of planned and coordinated actions carried out at different levels by the government agencies and the population itself to bring about the progressive and sustained development of a rural area.”
e) The design of an IRD programme is determined by existing local conditions and policies followed by the governments
UN Economic & Social Council developed IRD concept for developing countries.
Goal/Broad Objective- To raise the whole pattern of living of the rural population to a markedly high level and create in the process a society which would thereafter be dynamic economically and socially Specific Objectives- Integration of the rural communities with the main stream of the national economic life Decentralization of political & administrative structures to enable concrete participation of the rural communities in decision making processes affecting local and national development Expediting the process of acceptance of modernization ideals by a systematic effort at institution building
Some important sectoral components- Agricultural development Rural industrialization Employment Youth development Urbanization Social services Institution Building
I) Agricultural development - Input factors, extension services, incentive measures, organizational aspect and training & education Steps are required to follow- Land settlement scheme should be implemented Need for zoning of agricultural production A special training course in agriculture planning techniques
II) Rural industrialization Existing indigenous handicraft industries Promotion of agro-based industries
III) Employment Special efforts should be made to provide venues of employment Readjusting the outlays on different development projects To improve the existing skills of the labour force
IV) Youth development Institutional programme of youth camps Assistance for different economic ventures General education classes Need for restructuring of school curriculam
V) Provision of social services- Education, health, housing, electricity and recreational outlets on a planned basis
VI) Urbanization Gradual urbanization is the essential element of the strategy for integrated rural development
VII) Institution Building- Promotion of development aiding institutions Strengthen them functionally & financially
(Recent time)
IRD includes a successful strategy incorporating the key elements described above will thus include:
A vision of the growth process in rural areas; A mechanism for integrating existing programs; Design for new programmes if needed; A defined locus of decision making; A meaningful role for local government. Clarification of financial flows and channels
Key performance indicators or a process for generating them internally to the strategy; Procedures to monitor the indicators; Sequencing of actions that should take place in the short, medium, and long term Framework for IRD Environmental and Agri-environmental actions
Extension of existing A-E actions Piloting of new/innovative A-E actions out Exploitation of access/interpretation opportunities Enhanced/broadened Rural Stewardship programmes Examination/extension of agri-tourism potential Promoting the natural heritage of the local countryside Developing sustainable energy options including renewable
Economic development actions Developing rural entrepreneurship Developing business and communities infrastructure Funding opportunities Promotion of greater inter-agency co-operation/planning Evaluation/mapping of local development potential (say on a market- town or Strategic theme basis)
Development of cross-sector, cross-industry solutions/opportunities
Diversification actions and new ways of working for agriculture, fishing and forestry
Promoting local added Value, processing and direct and regional marketing options Tourism related farming food and environmental opportunities Identifying and removing barriers to diversification through capacity building and effective business planning. Encouraging co-operative action between businesses at the input, production, process and marketing levels See Environmental Actions menu Developing niche markets (e.g. organics, special breaks etc)
Community development and social inclusion
Community capacity building Community Development infrastructure support An increase in local/regional partnership working which draws on the skills of small businesses, communities, agriculture, the third sector and public agencies (Community Planning) Overcoming problems of accessibility for actors in local development (e.g.
Transportation, ICT, etc)
Using local identity, character and culture and encouraging and supporting Innovation and community regeneration actions Developing ICT based solutions —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 21:49, 21 May 2008 (UTC)