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Intoxication is the state of being affected by one or more psychoactive drugs. It can also refer to the effects caused by the ingestion of poison or by the overconsumption of normally harmless substances.
Some types of intoxication:
Intoxication can cause a state of mind that remains once the person is no longer intoxicated that can be used as a legal defense:
WHO ICD-10 mental and behavioral disorders (F · 290–319) |
Neurological/symptomatic |
Psychoactive substance |
Psychotic disorder |
Mood (affective) |
Neurotic, stress-related
and somatoform |
Anxiety disorder ( Agoraphobia, Panic disorder, Panic attack, Generalized anxiety disorder, Social anxiety, Social phobia) · OCD · Acute stress reaction · PTSD · Adjustment disorder · Conversion disorder ( Ganser syndrome) · Somatoform disorder ( Somatization disorder, Body dysmorphic disorder, Hypochondriasis, Nosophobia, Da Costa's syndrome, Psychalgia) · Neurasthenia
behavioral |
Adult personality
and behavior |
Mental retardation |
Psychological development
(developmental disorder) |
Behavioral and emotional,
childhood and adolescence onset |