Internet Movie Cars Database

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The Internet Movie Cars Database (IMCDb) is similar to IMDb but instead of showing the list of actors and crew, it shows various cars in films, television series and more recently music videos, with screenshots of various cars and trucks, e.g. Duel, Bullitt, Smokey and the Bandit, The Dukes of Hazzard, Knight Rider, Back to the Future, Ghostbusters and many more.

The site started as a French language site, but quickly became international with an English version and people from all around the world joined the project. Everybody can contribute to the site by sending pictures, correcting errors or simply adding comments to existing vehicles through the site's internet forum.

The first purpose of the site was to list the major cars of movies, but it was quickly extended to various other vehicles (trucks, bikes) and less important cars in the movies (interesting vehicles in background of some scenes, cars only briefly used), using a 1-5 star rating system.

The Internet Games Car Database launched in 2006 following the same layout and function of IMCDb. Screenshots of cars from various video games are continually posted, and the website was designed and is currently being run by IMCDb administrators.

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