International Software Testing Qualifications Board
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The ISTQB (International Software Testing Qualifications Board) was founded in Edinburgh in November 2002. ISTQB A.I.S.B.L is as a legal entity based in Belgium.
The ISTQB is responsible for the international qualification scheme called "ISTQB Certified Tester". The qualifications are based on a syllabus, and there is a hierarchy of qualifications and guidelines for accreditation and examination. The ISTQB Foundation Level exam became aligned with the ISEB Foundation Exam as of 2006-06-01. ISEB, established in 1967 is the world's leading issuer of Software Testing qualifications and offers courses in over 50 countries worldwide.
It is the ISTQB's role to support a single, universally accepted, international qualification scheme, aimed at software and system testing professionals, by providing the core syllabi and by setting guidelines for accreditation and examination for national boards.
The contents of each syllabus are taught as courses by training providers, which have been accredited by national boards. They are globally marketed under the brand name "ISTQB Certified Tester". Each course is concluded by an examination covering the contents of the syllabus. After the examination, each successful participant receives the "ISTQB Certified Tester" certificate (or the local variant with the added "ISTQB compliant" logo).
The accreditation process and certification are regulated by accreditation and certification regulations of the national boards (e.g. ASTQB - the American Software Testing Qualifications Board) in their various valid versions.