International Leadership and Business Society

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[edit] Purpose

The International Leadership and Business Society (ILBS) e.V. was established in Germany in 2004 by a group of business graduates and lecturers in order to promote the ideas of principle guided leadership in business. The basic vision is stated as:

"Our aim is to help all of us to become better leaders and managers of people through education, sharing and the realisation of ideals of visionary international leadership in practice through a holistic approach to management and living.

We believe that one of the principal aims of business is to be a dynamic motor for positive change in society and the development of the human individual"

[edit] Membership

Membership is open to all, both those in business and other walks of life. Members are expected to accept and abide by the principles which have been adapted from the principles for a servant people laid down by Hugh J. Schonfield and is sponsored by The Hugh & Helene Schonfield World Service Trust. These are:

No-one is an Enemy To acknowledge no-one as an enemy no matter what he or she should do; for to admit the existence of an enemy is to create a barrier, darkening understanding, breeding hatred, and giving encouragement and license to cruelty and inhumanity.

No-one is a Foreigner To recognize no-one as a foreigner, or of a lower dignity, since all belong to the same human race determining to treat all, whether fellows or not, in a way which is founded on reverence for the human personality.

Service to All Ever promoting and actively assisting all measures which are for the welfare and equitable unification of mankind, and at all times responding to the extent of ones ability to any call for aid in an emergency, catastrophe or apparent need.

Complete Impartiality Under no circumstances to engage in aggression, oppression or willful misrepresentation to avoid all such behavior. To hold oneself free of all alliances, agreements and contractual obligations, whether open or secret, which can have the effect of favoring any group, party, section or state, or any interests whatever, to the hurt or detriment of others.

And Work for Peace Studying to be impartial and humane in all relationships and judgments and laboring in the cause of mediation and reconciliation.

True Democracy Working in the interests of true democracy in a cooperative spirit, based on mutual service and respect, holding all men in honor in public and private.

Equity and Justice Continually seeking to cultivate and display those standards of conduct, both in public and private life, which are equitable and just.

[edit] Legal Form

The Society is registered as a charitable organisation under German law as a 'eingetragene Verein'.

[edit] Activities

Regular events are held which are organised and financed on a voluntary basis by the members themselves. Often these events have specific themes. The highlight of the year is the 'Sommerfest' where members and friends come together to enjoy each others company. The intention of these events is to encourage networking and increase knowledge. Additionally, the society has started an education programme and hopes to offer courses online in a number of subjects, including principled leadership. It also promotes the teaching of principled leadership at higher education institutions.

More information is available of the society's website under: The International Leadership & Business Society