International Law Enforcement Academies

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International Law Enforcement Academies were established in 1995 by President Clinton as a means of bringing together international law enforcement to reduce crime, combat terrorism, and share in knowledge and training. ILEAs are administered by the United States Department of State Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement and Bureau of Diplomatic Security. Presently, there are five ILEAs located around the world: ILEA Budapest in Hungary, ILEA Bangkok in Thailand, ILEA Gaberone in Botswana, ILEA Roswell in New Mexico, USA, and ILEA San Salvador in El Salvador.

Participating agencies include DSS, DEA, ATF, FBI, ICE, FLETC, and DOI, among others. Instructors teach courses on subjects such as physical security for installations, transnational investigations, post-blast investigations, endangered species, and document fraud.

There is growing evidence that top officials of ILEA, most notably in Bangkok, are using their positions to engage personally in the illicit traffic in women and children for prostitution and pedophilia.

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