International Encyclopedia of Unified Science

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The International Encyclopedia of Unified Science (volumes of which are titled Fundamentals of Unified Science or FUS) was produced, as an output of the Vienna Circle to address the "growing concern throughout the world for the logic, the history, and the sociology of science..."

[edit] Volume I

Encyclopedia and Unified Science (FUS I-1)
Otto Neurath, Niels Bohr, John Dewey, Bertrand Russell, Rudolph Carnap, and Charles Morris

Foundations of the Theory of Signs (FUS I-2)
Charles Morris

Foundations of Logic and Mathematics (FUS I-3)
Rudolph Carnap

Linguistic Aspects of Science (FUS I-4)
Leonard Bloomfield

Procedures of Empirical Science (FUS I-5)
Victor F. Lenzen

Principles of the theory of probability (FUS I-6)
Ernest Nagel

Foundations of Physics (FUS I-7)
Philipp Frank

Cosmology (FUS I-8)
E. Finlay-Freundlich

Foundations of Biology (FUS I-9)
Felix Mainx

The Conceptual Framework of Psychology (FUS I-9)
Egon Brunswik

[edit] Volume II

2. Foundations of the social sciences / Neurath. Structure of scientific revolutions / Kuhn. Science and the structure of ethics / Edel. Theory of valuation / Dewey. Technique of theory construction / Woodger. Methodology of mathematical economics / Tintner. Fundamentals of concept formation in empirical science / Hempel. Development of rationalism and empiricism / Santillana and Zilsel. Development of logical empiricism / Joergensen. Bibliography and index / Feigl and Morris.

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