International DB2 Users Group

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The International DB2 Users Group (IDUG) is an independent, not-for-profit association of IT professionals who use IBM's leading relational database management system (RDBMS), IBM DB2. IDUG provides education, technical resources, peer networking opportunities, online resources and other programs that enable DB2 users to enhance their ability to leverage DB2 to achieve personal and professional objectives.

Headquartered in Chicago, IDUG was founded in 1988 and held its first educational conference in 1989. IDUG’s membership is currently comprised of over 10,000 DB2 users worldwide. Popular job functions of IDUG members are database administrators, application developers and Business Intelligence/Data Warehouse specialists. IDUG’s programs address a wide range of DB2 product offerings from IBM and related vendors, including DB2 for z/OS and DB2 on Linux, UNIX and Windows platforms.

IDUG holds annual conferences in the United States[1], Europe[2] and Australasia[3]. IDUG also held its first event in India[]in 2007. In addition to events, IDUG also offers online learning, support of local communities (RUGs and LUGs), advocacy opportunities, and more. IDUG publishes a technical magazine, the Solutions Journal, and a monthly e-newsletter, the IDUG e-Bulletin. Information on IDUG’s programs can be found on its Web site, [4].

IDUG offers two categories of membership[5]: Basic and Premier. Basic membership is available free-of-charge to DB2 professionals by completing a membership application; Premier membership is included with registration to a major IDUG conference or is available for an annual fee.

As a Member-led association, IDUG also offers volunteer opportunities[6] for DB2 users looking to augment business skills, expand their professional support community and give back to their DB2 peers.

[edit] External links