Interleukin-5 receptor

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Symbol IL5RA
Alt. Symbols IL5R
Entrez 3568
HUGO 6017
OMIM 147851
RefSeq NM_175725
UniProt Q01344
Other data
Locus Chr. 3 p26-p24
Symbol CSF2RB
Alt. Symbols IL3RB
Entrez 1439
HUGO 2436
OMIM 138981
RefSeq NM_000395
UniProt P32927
Other data
Locus Chr. 22 q12.2-13.1

The interleukin-5 receptor is a type I cytokine receptor. It is a heterodimer of the interleukin 5 receptor alpha subunit and CSF2RB.[1][2]

[edit] References

  1. ^ Takatsu K, Tominaga A (1991). "Interleukin 5 and its receptor". Prog. Growth Factor Res. 3 (2): 87–102. PMID 1773042. 
  2. ^ Murata Y, Takaki S, Migita M, Kikuchi Y, Tominaga A, Takatsu K (1992). "Molecular cloning and expression of the human interleukin 5 receptor". J. Exp. Med. 175 (2): 341–51. PMID 1732409. 

[edit] External links