Intergroupe des écoles centrales

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Centrale Graduate School (Intergroupe des Ecoles Centrales) is the group formed by the following Graduate Schools of Engineering :

With a total staff of more than 1500 professors and researchers, Centrale Graduate School has 1300 Centraliens graduating every year. This adds to the 30000+ Centraliens Alumni that are active in business and industries.

[edit] Goal

Based on nearly two-centuries of recognized Centrale educational know-how in France, Centrale Graduate School's goal is to promote and implement engineering education with the following characteristics, defined as the Centralien Programme :

  • multidisciplinary curriculum for engineers, with a broad scope of scientific, engineering and management fields (Civil Engineering ; Mechanical Engineering ; Electrical Engineering ; Information Theory, Computer Science and Engineering ; Control Science and Signal processing ; Telecom ; Chemistry, Physics and Material sciences ; Micro-Nano technologies ; Mathematics ; Economics ; Statistics, Finance ; Manufacturing ; Management ; Safety, Logistics, Marketing and Design ...)
  • first two years for acquisition of a Centralien common body of knowledges, with core and elective thematic flexibility, and at least one year of in-depth thematic studies at the end of the Programme
  • close contact with the industry through joint projects and training periods, and requirements for international exposure
  • academic and industrial research and education closely related to industry stakeholders and private research
  • a unique Centralien graduate diploma in each school.

[edit] Admission

Education programmes implemented in Paris, Lille, Lyon, Marseille and Nantes include

  • Ingénieur Centralien (Centralien Graduate engineer degree)
  • Masters of Science and PhD doctoral studies
  • Mastères specialises (Masters of engineering)

Admission to the Centralien three/four-year curriculum Programme is possible after two/three year undergraduate studies in other educational institutes. Entering an Ecole Centrale requires success to either:

  • a French nationwide selective exam with numerus clausus : concours Centrale-Supelec
  • an exam for bachelors of sciences : CASTing - Concours d'Admission sur Titre Ingénieur
  • a selection process as per TIME dual diploma procedures applicable in Europe, Brasil and Japan
  • a selection by an academic jury for other international students.

Thus undergraduate studies + the Centralien Programme account for more than a cumulated 300 ECTS credit.

Admission to Masters (either M1+M2 = 120 ECTS or M2R = 60 ECTS) is based on a selection by an academic jury or through the Centralien Programme. Several Masters are available from the different Ecoles Centrales :

Admission to Masteres Specialises for Master-level specialization in specific engineering fields (75 ECTS) is based on a selection by an academic jury. Masteres Specialises include :

PhD candidates and visiting professors should contact directly the different research labs of the Ecoles Centrales.en:Centrale Graduate School