Intelligence Information and Knowledge Management (I2KM)
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I2KM is a NATO Joint Air Power Competence Centre (JAPCC: [1]) of Kalkar (Germany) project-requirement.
I2KM could be defined as the combination of: - Information Management, information rationalised "organization and arrangement" aiming to facilitate its storage, search, retrieval, and updating; - Knowledge Management, informative systems rationalised "relationship" aiming to accomplish and track processes, procedures and elaborations applied to information, and to document and display the results; - Intelligence Management, rationalised organization and promotion of Intel-trusted sources, and Decision Maker (DM) and Subject Matter Expertise (SME) knowledge-uncertanty balancing management.
It is intended to be the “interface” between Communication and Informative System (CIS) capability and organization member knowledge through “rationalized” use of information, and it is required in JAPCC for safeguarding its Matrix and Knowledge Centric Organization (MKCO) foundations and principles (In MKCO, CIS is definitely subordinate to I2KM).
I2KM goal is to support and be value-added for the JAPCC mission (“provide Joint Air and Space Power global qualitative and competitive knowledge”), configuring a flexible “informative working environment”, rationalizing process and procedures, tools, systems, devices, and services which have an impact on information and knowledge at support of the Decision Making Process.
I2KM characteristic design are based on: - information sharing principles - minimum number, however functionally self-complementing, of informative systems used - minimum, however no-duplicated, set of procedures applied to information -- „user-friendly“ architecture - easy learning and acknowledgement feature - high responsiveness to JAPCC information requirements - updating flexibility and maintenance simplicity - unique information processing flow applied - reference and approval - „knowledge“ filing and displaying - lower classification - self-synchronization capability provision - Knowledge Centric Organization (KCO) consolidation - minimized use of Bandwidth - „harmonized“ use of CIS - "situational awareness tailored to the situational understanding" profiled on individual basis.
I2KM creates rationalized relationship between the required databases equipping the organization activities. Therefore, it tailors and configure the systems in accordance with the organization info-requirements.
In order to provide a better idea of what is I2KM for JAPCC, the following are the features of the main systems configured in order to accomplish the mission:
JAPCC Project and Task Management Tool (JAPCC Portal): - daily activities tracker and “knowledge” filer - developed and configured by I2KM on NC3A Software provision basis - Matrix and Knowledge Centric Organization (flat & flexible structure, built-up on „information pyramid“ rationale and on knowledge „filing & displaying“ criteria , with parallel working/multi-tasking/self-synchronization - capability) mirroring systems - situational awareness profiled and provided as required by individuals - collaborative environment - flexible to update and to tailor to the changing information requirements - easy to maintain - very “user-friendly” - located on NU WAN - “powered” by MS Outlook 2003 capabilities - “linked” to the NU/drive-folders - selected/broadcasted (as required) awareness
JAPCC Web-page: - display and promote “knowledge” - develop a multiple entities/organizations, recognized by JAPCC (academies, universities, nations, agencies, etc…) working environment - “stand-alone” tool - developed, designed and configured by I2KM with Non-NATO web-provider company (I2KM retains the responsibility to assure the proper web-page updating and populating process) - located on NU WAN - individual e-mail exchange access capability provided
JAPCC I2KM NU WISE: - “web-link” to the NATO “transformation network” - environment designed for transforming “information into explicit knowledge” - minimize the NATO and Non–NATO Organization co-ordination requirements - information “Push and Pull” principle applied - envisaged for being Intelligence Sharing environment - Risk Management related to information challenges and Information Assurance - impacts monitoring, analysis, and elaboration capability - flexible updating capabilities provided - almost standardized, user-friendly, and easy to maintain - located on NU WAN - linked to the JAPCC NU Web-Page - extended SME life-cycle - uncertainty and certainty balancing - improved, organized and disciplined competencies
JAPCC I2KM Virgilio (search engine): - configured on the SME experienced “Key-Words” and provided metadata - large use of hyperlinks - required available information retrieved in just “3 clicks” - “platform” for extracting centralized information - information cross-referenced
JAPCC I2KM Shared Directory: - standardized “file index number” provision (JAPCC “6 digits”) - standardized info-storage logic - centralized information - no-duplication and stovepipe of information - both analytical and synthetic information searching capability - wide access to and controlled “privileges” on information - “disciplined” approach to information
Due to, currently, there are not "proper" references related I2KM (I2KM is an MKCO requirement), the following could be considered the JAPCC I2KM background products and activities: - MKCO CONOPS - “New Central Registry” CONOPS - JAPCC I2KM Directives (use of folders, webs, project managements, etc…) - I2KM systems CONOPS and maintenance SOPs - I2KM User Manuals - “Routing Slip and Service Information” (information tag, categories, taxonomy and metadata collecting tool. It is also for appointing the information OPR) - standardised MS Outlook capabilities configuration setting - training, education, research, test, experimentation - approved information processing flow design - NATO HQ NATO Information Management Policy WG Membership - stand-alone databases (in MS Access/Excel/File Maker) created for normal daily duties
I2KM is successfully operating within the JAPCC, and it would operate in all the new MKCOs. I2KM project initiated officially on 1st of January 2005, but its research-analysis was already co-ordinated in 2004. However, I2KM is considered a permanent open project, and its author (current project leader, since 2004), and his team are contributing to populate this wiki-page.