
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


I am the user known as InsideLine, who does the occasional minor edit on Wikipedia, if I notice something missing, or something misspelled in the articles. I'm a big fan of the Wikipedia project, and of the Mediawiki software that powers Wikipedia. It is a lovely publishing platform put to a perfect use. But enough about that.

[edit] Career Information

Some might call me a webmaster. I design, program, and administer various websites. I'm trying to get an opportunity for a programming technician's education. With some friends, I started a programming and design company, called Fusion Web Coding & Graphics. We are currently in the preliminary planning phase of the Fusion Linux project, an operating system we hope will be good enough to rival some other Linux systems.

[edit] Personal Beliefs and Creeds

I am a believer in the one true God, who sent His only Son, Jesus the Messiah, to die a horrible death, so that us sinners on earth can have eternal life if we live for Him. Jesus was crucified by the Romans, but rose back to life 3 days later, and went back up to heaven, where He is preparing a place for us when we pass away from this earth.