Instituto Serrano de Conservação da Natureza

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The Instituto Serrano de Conservação da Natureza is a Brazilian non-governmental organization founded in 2006 in the city of Urubici, Santa Catarina.

[edit] Objectives of the NGO

The objectives of this NGO, according to the NGO foundation statement, are:

  • To elaborate, coordinate and execute, isolated or in coordination with other entities, projects focusing the conservation, characterization, research recuperation and management of natural ecosystems, and to research and preserve the cultural-historical patrimony.
  • To develop projects and actions applied to the biodiversity conservation and management of conservation units.
  • To provide support to eco-tourism and scientific tourism activities.
  • To promote the publication of articles, books and bulletins related to above-mentioned activities.
  • To promote activities related to human resources capacitating related to the above-mentioned activities.
  • To organize archives, a library, data banks, multimedia or other specialized information systems.
  • To develop base and applied research projects.

[edit] External links