Institut d'Estudis Occitans

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The Institut d'Estudis Occitans (pronounced [istiˈtyd desˈtyðiz utsiˈtas]), or IEO, or Occitan Studies Institute, or Institute for Occitan Studies, is a cultural association that was created in 1945. It aims at both maintaining and developing the language and influence of Occitania through the supervision, harmonization and normalization of everything dealing with the nation's life and culture (excepting language codification, which is now regulated by the Conselh de la Lenga Occitana). The IEO is divided into regional and departmental sections and local circles that cover the whole of the country from Lemòtges and Clarmont up north to Marselha, Tolosa or Bordèu down south. There is even one in Paris. What's the more, a number of carefully-targeted activities are sponsored by groups and other associations affiliated with the Institute, or by members themselves. The IEO is the Occitan counterpart of the Institut d'Estudis Catalans. Its motto is La fe sens òbras mòrta es (see picture) (Dead is faith without art).


[edit] National organisation and regional sections

[edit] IEO nacionau

  • 12 rue du faubourg Bonnefoy

31500 Tolosa

  • contact: David Grosclaude (president)

tel: 33 5 34 44 97 1

[edit] IEO Aquitània

  • 3 bis, avenue du Vallon

33600 Pessac

  • contact: Olivier Sirgue (president)

[edit] IEO Lemosin

  • 2, chamin de la Codercha

19510 Mas Seren

  • contact: Joan-Maria Caunet, chairman of IEO Lemosin

[edit] IEO Lengadòc

  • Centre regional de difusion Lo Camèl

BP 4040
34545 Besièrs Cedex

  • contact: Jòrdi Peladan

4, rue des Mésanges
30000 Nîmes
tel: +33 4 66 64 17 99

[edit] IEO Miègjorn-Pirenèus

  • IEO Miègjorn-Pirenèus
  • contact: Miquèu Taiac (president)

[edit] IEO París

60, rue Dionet
77240 Vert-Saint-Denis

  • President: Jean Sibille
  • Treasurer: Jean-François Blanc
  • contact:

[edit] IEO Provença

  • Ostau de Provença

Pargue Jordan
8 bis, avenguda Jules Ferry
13100 Ais de Provença

  • contact: Joan Saubrement (president)

[edit] Affiliates

IEO-Ideco: Ideco is the publishing house and distribution network of the Institut d'Estudis Occitans. It is based in Puèglaurenç.

EOE: the EOE or Escòla Occitana d'Estiu is the Occitan summer school. It is one-week long and takes place every year in august in Vilanuèva d'Òlt.

UOE: the UOE or Universitat Occitana d'Estiu is the Occitan summer university. It is one-week long and takes place every year in Nimes.

[edit] Controversy

The IEO went through a number of crises throughout its history, the most serious of which in the late 1970s and early '80s when two ideologies clashed: the populist view, Ives Roqueta's, and a more academic one, Robèrt Lafont's. This confrontation led to the eviction of Robèrt Lafont and his followers from the Institute, which nearly sealed the fate of all scientific projects at the IEO, with many researchers finding jobs in universities and the Associacion Internacionala d'Estudis Occitans (International Occitan Studies Association). Most linguists among them migrated also to the Gidilòc and the Conselh de la Lenga Occitana (Occitan Language Council). Nevertheless, the IEO has remained to the day the leading organization in the field of cultural life and by far the most popular body among Occitan activists.

[edit] External links