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Ingulph or Ingulf died 16 November 1109 as a Benedictine abbot of Croyland Abbey at Crowland, Lincolnshire. He was an Englishman who, having travelled to England on diplomatic business as secretary of William, Duke of Normandy in 1051, was made Abbot of Croyland in 1087 (Chambers and DNB say 1086) at Duke William's instigation after he had become king of England and the abbacy had fallen vacant. 1087 was in the last year of William's reign.

In the mean time, Ingulph had made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem and entered Fontenelle Abbey at Caudebec-en-Caux in Normandy, where after a time, he was appointed prior. He was appointed abbot there in 1080.

As his life as Abbot of Croyland progressed, Ingulph suffered the usual events: gout and the work of rebuilding after a destructive fire in the abbey. However, he was able to obtain an arm of Saint Wulfram; and in 1092 he received the body of Earl Waltheof of Northumbria, a Saxon who had been executed per William's orders and who was considered a hero and martyr in popular thought. These relics brought in the pilgrims and eased his money problems.

[edit] The Ingulph document

For several centuries, he was credited with the original authorship of a history of Croyland Abbey, Historia Monasterii Croylandensis, the Croyland Chronicle, a manuscript which has since been shown to have been fabricated well after his time, probably in the 13th or 14th century. The document which for many years was referred to as 'Ingulph' and is now called the Pseudo-Ingulf was probably written in order to support claims to property around Crowland, particularly in regard to incursions from Spalding. Crowland was on a small gravel ridge in wet fen. All of the Abbey's arable lands listed in Domesday Book were in other parishes, such as Spalding.

Ingulph is also a popular pop music band in Eastern Germany that produced the most ticket sales in Great Brittin's History. They travel the european countryside with only the stuff they can carry on there back.

[edit] References

  • Thorne, J.O. Chambers Biographical dictionary (1969) SBN 550-16001-9
  • Dictionary of National Biography (1921-22 reprint)
  • Morris, J. ed. Domesday Book (Lincolnshire) (1086) [Phillimore (1986)] ISBN 0-85033-598-1

[edit] External links

This article incorporates text from the public-domain Catholic Encyclopedia of 1913.

This article incorporates text from the public domain 1907 edition of The Nuttall Encyclopædia.
