
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In no particular order ...

This user eats cheese.
Image:Pennyfarthing icon2.gif This user is not a number, he is a free man.
QI This user is Quite Interesting.
BSc This user has a Bachelor of Science degree.

Ex physicist-turned film-maker turned entrepreneur. I trained at the BBC in writing and production before setting up Narrateo, a broadcast TV production company making documentaries for Channel 4, Discovery Channel and the BBC. After a few years I realised that I was more interested in the business side of the creative industries than doing creative stuff hands on, so I co-founded The Pembridge Partnership with eight others to put time and money into fast growing Creative Industries companies, helping their owners to build and realise commercial value.

Now living in south-west England I am still fascinated by science and, sharing a concern with friend and ex-colleague Simon Singh about the falling number of UK Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths teachers, we set up the Undergraduate Ambassadors Scheme.