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Welcome to my user page! If you want to contact me, feel free to post to my talk page or to send me email.

I am a Postgraduate Student living in Singapore, in the middle of a Master of Arts in Late Antique & Byzantine Studies at King's College London, having previously acquired a BA in Classics from the same institution. I am an alumnus of the Anglo-Chinese family of schools in Singapore, specifically Anglo-Chinese Junior School, Anglo-Chinese School (Independent) and Anglo-Chinese Junior College in turn.

My research interests include Byzantine History, Late Antique Greek and Byzantine Palæography, Culture and Religion in Late Antiquity, Theology & Liturgy of the Eastern Orthodox and Eastern Catholic Churches, Byzantium after Byzantium, Postclassical Greek and Latin.

While on sabbatical in Singapore, I teach Greek & Latin as a private tutor, and Greek Tragedy at Anglo-Chinese Junior College.

I have a particular interest in Eastern Christianity, specifically in its Byzantine form, being a member of the Russian Catholic Church. I am a chanter trained in various traditions of church music both East and West, but particularly in Slavonic (Russian, Galician etc), Byzantine and Gregorian Chant.

In my free time I fence Sabre, Rapier and Broadsword. I also play Lute - both the smaller Renaissance 7-course Lute, the Baroque Archlute and Theorbo (which means I also play Basso Continuo).


[edit] WikiProject Involvment

[edit] Received

A Barnstar
I proudly award you "The Saints' Barnstar" for creating and improving articles on saints and Eastern Christianity. Majoreditor 16:52, 13 April 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Articles Started

Category:Eastern Catholic saints

[edit] Articles With Substantial Contributions

Ah Lian, Akribeia, Alfian Sa'at, Amice, Anglo-Chinese School, Armenian Church, Singapore, Army Daze, Blessed Virgin Mary, Canonical hours, Clerical celibacy, Clerical celibacy (Catholic Church), Charalampus, Chorbishop, Christianity in Singapore, Cosmas of Aetolia, Constantine XI, Council of Florence, Cyriacus of Athens, Dalmatic, Dikirion and trikirion, Eastern Catholic Churches, Ecumenical Patriarch Joseph II of Constantinople, Ektenia, Eucharistic discipline, Gemistus Pletho, Gennadius II Scholarius, George Acropolites, Glory Be to the Father Hail Mary, Hakka, Holy Qurbana of Addai and Mari, Holy Week, Infant communion, Isidore of Kiev, Jonah Metropolitan of Moscow, Johannes Bessarion, Kliros, Kyrie, Lamb (Liturgy), Latin spelling and pronunciation, Lestovka, The Lord's Prayer in different languages, Lute, Maniple (vestment), Mapo dofu, Maximus the Greek, Menander Protector, Metropolitan Vitaly Ustinov, Michael Panaretos, Mitre, Old Believers, Omophorion, Orarion, Otak-otak, Pancras of Taormina, Phelonion, Prayer of Saint Ephrem, Raffles Institution, Roti john, Sabbas the Sanctified, Saints Cosmas and Damian, Sakkos, Sticharion, Subdeacon, Sub tuum praesidium, Teh tarik, Theorbo, Transubstantiation, Trisagion, Typica, Vestment, Znamenny Chant

[edit] Articles Needing Work

Chinese Orthodox Church, Ethnic Russians in China, Isidore of Kiev, Maximus the Greek, Patriarch Nikon, Amphilochius of Pochayiv, Easter Vigil, Euchologion, Missa Sicca, Canonical hours, Greek Catholic Church, Aumbry, Reserved sacrament, Pyx, Paschal Tide, Severus of Antioch, Moleben, Zemnoy poklon, Exapostilarion, Kassia, John Michael Botean

[edit] Articles to start

Sacrament house, Epistle book, Apophthegmata Patrum, Tamata

[edit] Obligatory Userboxes

This user is Singaporean.
London This user lives in London
This user's time zone depends on whenever they decide to get up today.
vn-2 This user page has been vandalized 2 times.
vn-2 This user's talk page has been vandalized 2 times.

This user is an academic.
This user is a graduate student in Classics.
This user attends or attended
King's College London.
BA This user has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Classics.
This user is an ageless Immortal.
ACS This user was from Anglo-Chinese School (Independent)
中華 這個用戶是華人
This user is ethnically Chinese.
This user is a Descendant of the Dragon.
This user thinks that the communists ruined the beauty of Chinese characters by simplifying them.
en This user is a native speaker of English.
la Hic usor aut naturaliter latine loquitur atque contribuere potest aut potius mentitur.
grc Ὅδε ὁ χρήστης ἐστὶ ἰθαγενὴς ὀμιλητὴς τῆς ἀρχαίας ἑλληνικῆς.
en-gb-5 This user believes that British English is the only real English, and is likely to respond to any use of American English with “how crude!”.
it-2 Questo utente può contribuire con un italiano di livello intermedio.
ke-3 Ὁ χρήστης οὗτος δύναται συνεισφέρειν μετ' ἀνωτέρας γνώσεως τῆς Κοινῆς Ελληνικῆς.
zh-4 該用戶能以道地中文進行交流。
zh-wuu 搿个用户个母语吴语
yue 呢個用戶嘅母語粵語
got-2 Sa niutands mag rodjan midjai gutiskai.
hy-1 Այս անձը կարող է աշխատել սկզբնական մակարդակի հայերեն լեզվով:
cu-2 Сь польѕевател҄ь глаголѥтъ словѣньскы трьпимо.
ro-1 Acest utilizator poate contribui în română la un nivel de bază.
ru-1 Этот участник владеет русским языком на начальном уровне.
pig Isthay useryay ancay eakspay Igpay Atinlay.
uk-1 Користувач може робити внесок українською мовою на початковому рівні.
fgn-4 This user speaks several dialects of foreign at a near native level.
LE-0 This individual still maintains a shred of dignity in this insane world by adhering to correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalisation.

This user has full understanding of the Early Cyrillic script.
This user has full understanding of the Armenian alphabet.
This user is a musician.
voc This user is a singer.
This user plays his or her music in the bass clef.
This user is a thespian, and shouldn't be wished "good luck".
This user is interested in drama and acting.
This user is an Eastern Catholic Christian.
This user is a Byzantine chanter.
This user supports the Reconciliation of the Churches. Image:Palaeologus-flag.png
This user is interested in Ancient Greece.
This user is interested in ancient Rome.
This user is interested in the Byzantine Empire
This user is interested in the Middle Ages.
This user is interested in the Renaissance period.
This user is interested in the Baroque period.
This user is interested in Russia and is capable of speaking in a Russian accent.
This user is interested in drama and acting.
This user is a monarchist.
Emblem of the Papacy This user is a member of WikiProject Catholicism.
This user is a member of WikiProject Eastern Orthodoxy.

This user is a member of the Saints WikiProject.

Forum Romanum

This user is a member of the Classical Greece and Rome WikiProject.
This user is a member of the Middle Ages WikiProject.
This user is a member of WikiProject China
This user is a carnivore.
This user prefers rare steak.
This user likes to eat borscht.
This user would likely die without eating the occasional curry.
This user drinks. Period.
This user prefers the world of sparkling wines.
This user enjoys classical music.
This user listens to World Music
This user enjoys klezmer.
This user can't stand hip hop music.
cRap This user can't stand rap/hip hop music.
This user enjoys Chinese traditional music.
' This user opposes denial of the Armenian Genocide.
This user opposes denial of the Pontic Greek Genocide.
This user does not recognize the so-called Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and demands withdrawal of all illegal Turkish troops from the Republic of Cyprus.
' This user smokes tobacco in a pipe.
This user is addicted to traveling.
SCA This user is a member of the
Society for Creative Anachronism.
This user supports the English English language.
OED This user uses Oxford spelling.
ə This user is a Grammar Nazi and wears a schwa sticker as proof.
Subj This user likes that the Subjunctive mood be used. Were this user you, he would use it.
“…”? This user thinks “British punctuation is best for quotation marks”. Do you?
f This user maintains a facebook profile.
This user has a PowerBook G4 running Tiger.
This user has an iPod.
MSN This user uses MSN Messenger and his MSN address is available upon request
Adium This user uses Adium to chat on various instant messaging networks.
This user uses Soulseek.
This user uses eMule
This user has no understanding of time and does everything at the last minute.
This user is a fencer.
This user quite often sighed "Yes Minister"
ACADEMIC JOURNAL This user has had his/her work published in an academic journal.
This user is working on publishing a book.
POEM This user has had one of his/her poems published.