Template talk:Infobox Horse

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[edit] Usage

Here is the usage:
<!-- Begin Infobox Horse.  The text of the article should go AFTER this section. See: -->
<!-- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template talk:Infobox Horse -->
<!-- for full explanation of the syntax used in this template. -->
{{Infobox Horse 
|features = 
|altname= <br> 
|nickname= <br> 
|status=[not recognized|extinct]
<!-- End Infobox Horse info. Article Begins Here -->
Summary of usage
  • All paramaters are optional except for name
  • All paramaters for each group (1, 2, etc.) are required if any are used at all.
  • If the breed is not recognized by any major organization, the notrecognized variable should be set (to anything, such as "true") else the table will look strange.
  • Altnames (official variants of names) and nicknames (what people fondly refer to the breed as) have to be on one line separated by <br> .
Usage details
  • name is required; all other variables are optional.
  • All variables for each group are required if any are used at all (for example, group1 and std1). If a value is not available, set it to some value (e.g., a question mark).
  • Up to 6 different groups (organizations) and their standards can be specified.
  • If the breed is not recognized by any major organization, include the notrecognized variable and set it to yes (actually to anything--text is ignored but it makes the table content work correctly).
  • If you want to specify multiple entries for the altname or nickname variables, these must be on one line with <br> separating them.
  • The comments at the beginning and end don't affect the appearance of the table but please always include them to help newcomers understand what's going on when they edit the page.

[edit] Infobox variables

  • name: Breed name as in article title.
  • image: The name of the image (leave off Image:)
  • If you upload a new photo, make sure that both source and copyright are OK (e.g., name of photographer and GFDL).
  • Use the best breed photo available for the infobox image.
  • image_caption: A caption that describes the image.
  • Include a caption that mentions unique characteristics of the breed and whether the horse is nonstandard in other ways; Wikipedia standard now seems to be for full sentences, but don't repeat the whole breed chaacteristics section from the text. Only mention coat color if a unique characteristic (such as if all representatives are predominantly one color).
  • altname: Other names by which the breed is known by English speakers.
  • To specify more than one name, you must specify them all on one line separated by <br>
  • nickname: Common nicknames
  • These are shortened names that aren't an official breed name but that are in common use by owners or breeders of these horses.
  • As above, to specify more than one name, you must specify them all on one line separated by <br>
  • country: Country or countries of origin, preferably at time of origin to avoid squabbling over current political boundaries.
  • extinct: Add this if the breed is is now extinct.
  • notes: Notes about the breed recognition or standards.
  • Breed standards:
  • For each group (1 through 6); all options are required for each group.
  • group1: The name of the organization that recognizes or defines the breed.
  • std1: The URL to the breed standard.