Template:Infobox comics creator

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Infobox comics creator
Born {{{birthdate}}}

An Infobox Comics creator may be used to summarise information about a person who is a comics creator.

[edit] Usage

The infobox may be added by pasting the template as shown below into an article. Only the name and birthdate parameters are required. For an example, see Jerry Siegel.

{{Infobox comics creator
| name          = 
| image         = Replace this image fe/male.svg
| imagesize     = 150
| caption       = 
| birthname     = 
| birthdate     = 
| location      = 
| deathdate     = 
| deathplace    = 
| nationality   = 
| area          = 
| alias         = 
| signature     = 
| notable works = 
| awards        = 

[edit] Parameters

Those parameters in bold italics are required.

name comics creator’s name; usually the article's page name (i.e. "common" name)
image an image of the comics creator, in the form: "Example.jpg"
imagesize * in the form "Npx", resizes the image to a width of N pixels; default is 220px
caption * caption for the image
birthname comics creator’s name at birth
birthdate comics creator’s date of birth, in the form: Month Date, Year
location comics creator’s place of birth
deathdate comics creator’s date of death (in form already given)
deathplace comics creator’s place of death
nationality comics creator’s nationality
area main fields in which the comics creator works (i.e. writer, pencils, inks, colorist, letter, etc)
alias other names the comics creator has worked under
notable works comics creator’s creations and/or works
signature scanned image of and artist's signature.
awards any awards the comics creator has won
* Only used if the {{{image}}} parameter used.

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