Template:Infobox church/sandbox

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Former name(s) {{{former_names}}}
Founded {{{founded_date}}}
Founder(s) {{{founder}}}
Dedication {{{dedication}}}
Dedicated {{{dedicated_date}}}
Denomination {{{denomination}}}
Tradition {{{tradition}}}
Architect(s) {{{architect}}}
Style {{{style}}}
Constructed {{{constructed_date}}}
Capacity {{{capacity}}}
Height {{{height}}}
Diameter {{{diameter}}}
Other dimensions {{{other_dimensions}}}
Number of floors {{{floor_count}}}
Floor area {{{floor_area}}}
Closed {{{closed_date}}}
Demolished {{{demolished_date}}}
Parish {{{parish}}}
Deanery {{{deanery}}}
Archdeaconry {{{archdeaconry}}}
Diocese {{{diocese}}}
Province {{{province}}}
Presbytery {{{presbytery}}}
Synod {{{synod}}}
Circuit {{{circuit}}}
District {{{district}}}
Division {{{division}}}
Subdivision {{{subdivision}}}
Archbishop {{{archbishop}}}
Bishop {{{bishop}}}
Dean {{{dean}}}
Sub-dean {{{subdean}}}
Provost {{{provost}}}
Provost and Rector {{{provost-rector}}}
Vice-Provost {{{viceprovost}}}
Canon {{{canon}}}
Canon {{{canon1}}}
Canon {{{canon2}}}
Canon {{{canon3}}}
Canon {{{canon4}}}
Canon pastor {{{canonpastor}}}
Precentor {{{precentor}}}
Archdeacon {{{archdeacon}}}
Prebendary {{{prebendary}}}
Rector {{{rector}}}
Vicar {{{vicar}}}
Vicar {{{vicar1}}}
Vicar {{{vicar2}}}
Curate {{{curate}}}
Curate {{{curate1}}}
Priest {{{priest}}}
Priest {{{priest1}}}
Priest {{{priest2}}}
Priest {{{priest3}}}
Minister {{{minister}}}
Minister {{{minister1}}}
Assistant {{{assistant}}}
Honorary priest {{{honpriest}}}
Deacon {{{deacon}}}
Senior Pastor(s) {{{seniorpastor}}}
Pastor(s) {{{pastor}}}
Abbot {{{abbot}}}
Chaplain(s) {{{chaplain}}}
Reader {{{reader}}}
Organist/Director of Music {{{organistdom}}}
Director of Music {{{director}}}
Organist {{{organist}}}
Organist {{{organist1}}}
Organ Scholar {{{organschol}}}
Chapter Clerk {{{chapterclerk}}}
Lay Member of Chapter {{{laychapter}}}
Lay Member of Chapter {{{laychapter1}}}
Churchwarden {{{warden}}}
Churchwarden {{{warden1}}}
Churchwarden {{{warden2}}}
Flower Guild {{{flowerguild}}}
Music Group {{{musicgroup}}}
Parish Administrator {{{parishadmin}}}
Servers' Guild {{{serversguild}}}
Contact particulars
Address {{{address}}}
Location {{{location}}}
Country {{{country}}}
Coordinates {{{coordinates}}}
Phone {{{phone}}}
Website {{{website}}}
[edit] Template documentation
This template employs intricate features of template syntax.
You are encouraged to familiarise yourself with its setup and parser functions before editing the template. If your edit causes unexpected problems, please undo it quickly, as this template may appear on a large number of pages.
Remember that you can conduct experiments, and should test all improvements, in either the general Template sandbox or your user space before changing anything here.

This infobox is for providing general information about a Christian church, including its history, architecture and staff. To provide information solely about the architectural details of a church building, use "{{Infobox religious building}}".

[edit] Usage

Wesley Methodist Church
Wesley Methodist Church, from an old sepia-toned postcard.
Wesley Methodist Church, from an old sepia-toned postcard.
Founded 6 February 1885
Founder(s) Rev. Dr. and Mrs. James Mills Thoburn, Rev. William Fitzjames Oldham, Mrs. Marie Oldham, Miss Julia Battie
Denomination Methodist
Style Gothic
Senior Pastor(s) Rev. Melvin Hwang (Pastor in Charge)
Pastor(s) Rev. Alvin Chan, Rev. Lilian Ang, Rev. Daniel Tan, Rev. Wendy Watson, Ps. Khoo Kay Huat
Music Group Wesley Chorale
Contact particulars
Address 5 Fort Canning Road
Singapore 179493
Country Flag of Singapore Singapore
Phone +65.63361433
Website www.wesleymc.org

The full template for this infobox is set out below. Apart from the parameters indicated as mandatory and other instructions in the "Parameters" table below, all parameters are optional and may be left out to simplify the template. An example of the infobox in use is shown on the right.

{{Infobox church/sandbox 
<!--Remove "/sandbox" if this goes live.-->
| name             = [mandatory]
| fullname         = 
| image            = 
| imagesize        = 
| caption          = 
| landscape        = 
| former_names     = 
| founded_date     = 
| founder          = 
| dedication       = 
| dedicated_date   = 
| denomination     = [mandatory]
| tradition        = 

| architecture     = yes/no
| architect        = 
| style            = 
| capacity         = 
| height           = 
| diameter         = 
| other_dimensions = 
| floor_count      = 
| floor_area       = 
| constructed_date = 
| closed_date      = 
| demolished_date  = 

| admin            = yes/no
| parish           = 
| deanery          = 
| archdeaconry     = 
| diocese          = 
| province         = 
| presbytery       = 
| synod            = 
| circuit          = 
| district         = 
| division         = 
| subdivision      = 

| clergy           = yes/no
| archbishop       = 
| bishop           = 
| dean             = 
| subdean          = 
| provost          = 
| provost-rector   = 
| viceprovost      = 
| canon            = 
| canon1           = 
| canon2           = 
| canon3           = 
| canon4           = 
| canonpastor      = 
| precentor        = 
| archdeacon       = 
| prebendary       = 
| rector           = 
| vicar            = 
| vicat1           = 
| vicar2           = 
| curate           = 
| curate1          = 
| priest           = 
| priest1          = 
| priest2          = 
| priest3          = 
| asstpriest       = 
| minister         = 
| minister1        = 
| assistant        = 
| honpriest        = 
| deacon           = 
| seniorpastor     = 
| pastor           = 
| abbot            = 
| chaplain         = 

| laity            = yes/no
| reader           = 
| organistdom      = 
| director         = 
| organist         = 
| organist1        = 
| organschol       = 
| chapterclerk     = 
| laychapter       = 
| laychapter1      = 
| warden           = 
| warden1          = 
| warden2          = 
| flowerguild      = 
| musicgroup       = 
| parishadmin      = 
| serversguild     = 

| address          = 
| country          = [mandatory]
| coordinates      = 
| phone            = 
| website          = 

[edit] Parameters

Parameter Description
name The common name of the church. This must be stated.
fullname The full name of the church, if this is different from its common name. For instance, "Westminster Abbey" can be placed in the "name" parameter, and "The Collegiate Church of St Peter, Westminster" in the "fullname" parameter.
image / img The name of an image file containing a photograph of the church. If the image is called "Image:WesleyMethodistChurch-sepiapostcard.jpg", just type "WesleyMethodistChurch-sepiapostcard.jpg". Do not include "Image:" or enclose the file name in double square brackets ("[[ ]]").
imagesize / img_size The width of the image in pixels (px). For example, if you wish the image to be 150px wide, type "150". Do not add "px" after the number. If no number is stated, the width defaults to 220px for an image for a portrait image (i.e., one the width of which is shorter than the height) and 300px for a landscape image (one the width of which is longer than the height).
caption / img_capt The caption for the image.
landscape Indicate "yes" if the image has a landscape orientation, that is, if its width is longer than its height.
former_names The former name(s) of the church, if any.
founded_date The date when the church was founded. If a full date is available, it should be set out like this: "[[6 February]] [[1885]]" or "[[February 6]], [[1885]]". An individual year (e.g., "1908") need not be linked.
founder The name(s) of the founder(s) of the church.
dedication The name of the saint to which the church is dedicated, for example, "Mary Magdalene".
dedicated_date The date when the church was dedicated.
denomination The denomination of the church; for example, "Anglican", "Methodist", "Presbyterian", "Roman Catholic". This must be stated. If possible, link the denomination to an appropriate article using double square brackets.

The background colour of the template headings is specified for certain denominations; to view these colours, see Template:Infobox church/denomination. Before changing the colours, or inserting new denominations and colours, please discuss the matter with other editors at Template talk:Infobox church.

tradition The tradition of the church, for example, "High church", "Low church", "Evangelical".
architecture Indicate "yes" to make the "Architecture" section of the infobox visible; to hide it, indicate "no" or omit the parameter. Note that the template will appear distorted if "yes" is stated but no other parameters in this section are specified.
architect The name(s) of the architect(s) of the church.
style The architectural style of the church. If possible, link the style to an appropriate article using double square brackets.
capacity The number of people that the church can accommodate at any one time.
height The height of the tallest part of the church. To provide a figure in both Imperial units and the metric system, or vice versa, use the "{{Convert}}" template. The name of the tallest part of the church can be stated thus: "123 m (400 ft) (spire)".
diameter The diameter of any signficant round part of the church, for example, "41.47 m (136.1 ft) (dome)".
other_dimensions Other dimensions of the church, such as its overall length and width.
floor_count The number of floors, levels or storeys that the church has.
floor_area The floor area of the church.
constructed_date The dates when the church was constructed, closed and/or demolished. The starting and ending years or dates of a time period should be separated by an en dash, like this: "1907–1908"; "12 January 190631 July 1907". To insert an en dash, either type "&ndash;" or click on the appropriate symbol in the character insertion table under the edit window.
admin Indicate "yes" to make the "Administration" section of the infobox visible; to hide it, indicate "no" or omit the parameter. Note that the template will appear distorted if "yes" is stated but no other parameters in this section are specified.
parish The parish, deanery, archdeaconry, diocese, province, presbytery, synod, circuit or district that the church is located in, if any.
Parameter Example
Parish [[Egglescliffe]]; [[Olaf II of Norway|St Olave]] with [[Saint Giles|St Giles]]
Deanery [[Stokesley]]
Archdeaconry [[Archdeaconry of the East Riding|East Riding]]
Diocese [[Anglican Diocese of Toronto|Toronto]]
Province [[Province of Canterbury|Canterbury]]
Presbytery [[Presbytery of Aberdeen|Aberdeen]]
division If a system other than that indicated above is used for the church, these fields can be used to indicate the geographical division and subdivision that the church is located in, for example, "North Carolina Annual Conference", "Tennessee Baptist Convention".
clergy Indicate "yes" to make the "Clergy" section of the infobox visible; to hide it, indicate "no" or omit the parameter. Note that the template will appear distorted if "yes" is stated but no other parameters in this section are specified.
archbishop The name(s) of the archbishop, bishop(s), dean(s), sub-dean(s), provost(s), provost-rector(s), vice-provost(s), canon(s), canon pastor(s), precentor(s), archdeacon(s), prebendary(-ies), rector(s), vicar(s), curate(s), priest(s), assistant priest(s), minister(s), assistant(s), honorary priest(s), deacon(s), senior pastor(s), pastor(s), abbot(s) and/or chaplain(s) of the church, if applicable.

Separate several names with commas (","), or put each name on a separate line by typing "<br />" between the names, thus: "Rev. Dr. and Mrs. James Mills Thoburn,<br />Rev. William Fitzjames Oldham".

(canon1, canon2,
canon3, canon4)
(vicar1, vicar2)
(priest1, priest2, priest3)
laity Indicate "yes" to make the "Laity" section of the infobox visible; to hide it, indicate "no" or omit the parameter. Note that the template will appear distorted if "yes" is stated but no other parameters in this section are specified.
reader The name(s) of the reader, director of music, organist(s), organ scholar(s), chapter clerk, lay member(s) of the chapter and/or churchwarden(s) of the church, if any.
(warden1, warden2)
flowerguild The name of the flower guild, music group, parish administration and/or servers' guild of the church, if any.
Contact particulars
address / location The address or location of the church, including the city and province or state that it is located in. To put each line of the address on a separate line, type "<br>" between the lines.
country The country that the church is located in. This must be stated. You may wish to insert an image of the flag of the country before the country name using the "{{flagicon}}" template, like this: "Flag of Singapore Singapore".
coordinates To provide the geographic coordinates of the church, use the template "{{coord}}" with the parameters "display=inline,title".
phone The telephone number of the church, including the country code and area code.
website The website address of the church, thus: "[http://www.wesleymc.org www.wesleymc.org]".

[edit] See also
