Template:Infobox UK school/doc

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is a documentation subpage for Template:Infobox UK school (see that page for the template itself).
It contains usage information, categories and other content that is not part of the original template page.


[edit] Description

This template is designed for all state and independent Primary Schools, Secondary Schools, and Sixth Form colleges in the UK.

[edit] Blank Syntax

Note: Please do not subst this into an article
To add the infobox, copy the following text, and paste it into the school's article, generally at the top of the page:

{{Infobox UK school 
| name          = 
| image         = 
| size          = 
| latitude      = 
| longitude     = 
| dms           = 
| motto         = 
| motto_pl      = 
| established   = 
| approx        = 
| closed        = 
| c_approx      = 
| type          = 
| religion      = 
| president     = 
| head_label    = 
| head          = 
| r_head_label  = 
| r_head        = 
| chair_label   = 
| chair         = 
| founder       = 
| founder_pl    = 
| specialist    = 
| specialist_pl = 
| street        = 
| city          = 
| county        = 
| country       = 
| postcode      = 
| LEA           = 
| ofsted        = 
| staff         = 
| enrollment    = 
| gender        = 
| lower_age     = 
| upper_age     = 
| houses        = 
| colours       = 
| publication   = 
| free_label_1  = 
| free_1        = 
| free_label_2  = 
| free_2        = 
| free_label_3  = 
| free_3        = 
| website       = 
| website_name  = 

[edit] Usage

The only required parameters are name and country. All others are optional. If latitude and longitude are entered, the coordinates of the school will be displayed at the top of the article.

Parameter Description Example
name Pretty obviously, the full name of the school. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
image The name of the school logo's image file including the extension but excluding the "Image:" tag at the start. School_Logo.png
size If the image is too large, you can reduce its width with this parameter. 200px
latitude The latitudinal position of the school North of the Equator. This must be given in decimal (dd.mmmm) format. 52.4830N
longitude The longitudinal position of the school East of the Greenwich Meridian. This must be given in decimal (dd.mmmm) format. Negative values for locations West of the Greenwich Meridian. -1.8936W
dms If anything is entered into this field, the coordinates will be displayed in degrees, minutes and seconds. Anything at all
motto The school's motto. Capsas Rerum Habeamus
(May We Have Infoboxes)
motto_pl If anything is entered into this field, the Motto field will be displayed as Mottoes. Anything at all
established The year, decade or century in which the school was founded. Use the formats as shown and create a wikilink. 1066, 1060s, 11th century, etc.
approx If anything is entered into this field, the date of the school's establishment is displayed as an approximation with a "circa" (c.) before it. Anything at all
closed If the school is no longer open, the year, decade or century in which the school was closed. Use the formats as shown and create a wikilink. 2007, 2000s, 21st century, etc.
c_approx If anything is entered into this field, the date of the school's closure is displayed as an approximation with a "circa" (c.) before it. Anything at all
type What type of school is it, and how is it funded? This information can be found on the DfES website (England), Scottish schools online, or the NGfL website (Wales). Academy, City Technology College, Community, Foundation, Voluntary aided, Voluntary controlled, Public, Independent, etc.
Primary, Comprehensive, Selective, Boarding School, Further education college, etc.
religion What, if any, religious affiliation does the school have? Roman Catholic, Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, etc.
president The name of the President of the school. n/a
head_label How the head of the school is referred to. If this field is left blank, it will default to "Headteacher". Headteacher, Headmaster, Dean, Principal, etc.
head The name of the current school head. n/a
r_head_label If the school has a religious leader, what he/she is called. Chaplain, Provost, etc.
r_head The name of the current religious head. n/a
chair_label How the chairperson of the school's board of governors, trustees, etc., referred to. Chairman of Governors, Chairwoman of Governors, Chairman of Trustees, etc.
chair The name of the school's current chair. n/a
founder The name of the school's founder. n/a
founder_pl If anything is entered into this field, the Founder field will be displayed as Founders. Anything at all
specialist If the institution is a Specialist school, give the school's specialism or specialisms here. Arts College, Sports College, Language College, etc.
specialist_pl If anything is entered into this field, the specialist field will be displayed as Specialisms rather than Specialism. Anything at all
street Street on which the School is located. Church Road, Mill Lane, etc.
city City, town or village in which the school is found. Don't forget to create a wikilink. Liverpool, Kirby Muxloe, Edinburgh, etc.
county County or Local Government Area in which the school is found. Don't forget to create a wikilink. Leicestershire, Monmouthshire, East Riding of Yorkshire, etc.
country The school's country. You can use the template
{{flagicon|country name goes here}} to demonstrate this.
England Flag of England
Scotland Flag of Scotland
Wales Flag of Wales or
Northern Ireland Flag of Northern Ireland
postcode The school's postcode. n/a
LEA The school's Local Education Authority. This can also be found on the DfES website. Hampshire County Council, Nottingham City Council, North Tyneside Metropolitan Borough Council, etc.
ofsted The ofsted number of the school. Available from the ofsted website. n/a
staff The number of teaching and/or support staff. 75 teaching, 25 support
enrollment The total number of pupils and/or students at the school. Try to give a year-on-year average rather than an exact number of students at the school at any one time. c.2000 students
gender What gender are the school's pupils? Boys, Girls, or Coeducational
lower_age The lowest age at which a pupil can enter the school. n/a
upper_age The age at which students normally leave. Leave this undefined if there is no upper age limit, and the age field will be displayed as "{{{lower_age}}}+". n/a
houses The names of any school houses the school might have. If the school has too many houses to fit into the infobox, give the number of houses with a link to the relevant section within the article (e.g. Uppingham School). Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin
15 Boarding houses
colours The School Colours. You can use the template
{{color box|colour name}} to demonstrate these.
Maroon & white          
publication The name of the school publication. The School Times, The Old Blue, etc.
free_label The name of an optional field. n/a
free The data which goes in the optional field. n/a
website The URL of the school's official website. http://www.hogwarts.org.uk/home.htm
website_name A simplified display version of the school's URL. This defaults to {{{website}}}. www.hogwarts.org.uk

[edit] Microformat

The HTML mark up produced by this template includes an hCard microformat, which makes the place-name and location parsable by computers, either acting automatically to catalogue article across Wikipedia, or via a browser tool operated by a person, to (for example) add the subject to an address book. Within the hCard is a Geo microformat, which additionally makes the coordinates (latitude & longitude) parsable, so that they can be, say, looked up on a map, or downloaded to a GPS unit. For more information about the use of microformats on Wikipedia, please see the microformat project.

hCard uses HTML classes including:

  • "adr"
  • "county-name"
  • "fn"
  • "label"
  • "locality"
  • "nickname"
  • "note"
  • "org"
  • "region"
  • "street-address"
  • "vcard"

Geo is produced by calling {{coord}}, and uses HTML classes:

  • "geo"
  • "latitude"
  • "longitude"

Please do not rename or remove these classes.

When giving coordinates, please don't be overly precise.