Template:Infobox Students Union (GS)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Motto {{{motto}}}
Established {{{established}}}
Institution {{{institution}}}
General Secretary-elect {{{gse}}}
Location {{{location}}}
Members {{{members}}}
Affiliated to {{{affiliated}}}
{{{free_label}}} {{{free}}}
Homepage {{{homepage}}}

[edit] Usage

{{Infobox Students Union (GS)
| name               =  
| image              =  
| motto              =  } optional
| established        =  
| institution        =  
| president          =  } These are optional; you can use either president/other
| vice president     =  } optional
| treasurer          =  } optional
| other_sabbs        =  } sabbs or you can just list sabbs.
| sabbs              =  
| location           =  
| members            =  
| affiliated         =  
| free_label         =  } An adjustable title and section.
| free               = } (Optional) 
| homepage           =  |