Template:Infobox Station Example

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Station statistics
Other information

[edit] Usage

Copy and paste the templates below:

{| {{Infobox Station Begin}}
{{Infobox Station Header
 | name=
 | type=
 | image=
 | image_size=
 | image_caption=
{{Infobox Station Main
 | address=
 | coordinates= 
 | line=
 | other=
 | structure=
 | platform=
 | depth=
 | levels=
 | tracks=
 | parking=
 | bicycle=
 | baggage_check=
 | opened=
 | closed=
 | rebuilt=
 | electrified=
 | ADA=
 | code=
 | owned=
 | zone=
 | former=
{{Infobox Station Traffic
 | passengers=
 | pass_year=
 | pass_percent=
 | pass_system=
{{Infobox Station Services
 | services=

[edit] Parameter descriptions

Infobox Station Header

Infobox Station Main

  • address – Street address of the station
  • coordinates - Geographical coordinates of the station using {{coord}}
  • line – List of services that serve the station
  • other – Connecting services that serve the station such as bus, etc
  • structure – Type of station structure (underground, at-grade, or elevated)
  • platform – Information on the type of platform(s) at the station
  • depth - The depth of the primary platform below ground level
  • levels – Number of levels of platforms at the station (use only if more than one exists; mezzanine/entrance levels are not included)
  • tracks – number of tracks at the station
  • parking – Information on station's parking facilities
  • bicycle – Information on station's bicycle facilities
  • baggage_check – Whether bags can be checked.
  • opened – Date station originally opened
  • closed – Date station closed, either temporarily or permanently, along with reason for closing (for presently closed stations only)
  • rebuilt – Date station last received a rebuild
  • electrified - Date station was electrified, if not previously at date of opening
  • ADA – If any text is placed here a universal symbol for accessible will appear
  • code – Agency station code (used on tickets/reservations, etc.)
  • owned – Station owner name
  • zone – Fare zone station is located in
  • former – Previous station name(s)

Infobox Station Traffic

  • passengers – Number of passengers using the station
  • pass_year – Year passenger information was gathered
  • pass_percent – Percentage increase or decrease in usage
  • pass_system - System the passengers are using

Infobox Station Services

  • services – Allows inclusion of the s-rail/s-line succession templates