{{{AlternateName}}} |
[[image:{{{Flag}}}|125px|border|Flag of {{{Name}}}]] |
[[Image:{{{CoatOfArms}}}|85px|Coat of arms of {{{Name}}}]] |
[[Flag of {{{Name}}}|Flag]] |
[[Coat of arms of {{{Name}}}|Coat of arms]] |
Motto: {{{Motto}}} |
[[Image:{{{Map}}}|Map of Canada with {{{Name}}} highlighted|250px]] |
Capital |
{{{Capital}}} |
Largest city |
{{{LargestCity}}} |
Largest metro |
{{{LargestMetro}}} |
Official languages |
{{{OfficialLang}}} |
Government |
[[{{{ViceroyType}}} of {{{Name}}}|{{{ViceroyType}}}]] |
{{{Viceroy}}} |
[[Premier of {{{Name}}}|Premier]] |
{{{Premier}}} ({{{PremierParty}}}) |
Federal representation |
in Canadian Parliament |
House seats |
{{{HouseSeats}}} |
Senate seats |
{{{SenateSeats}}} |
Confederation |
{{{AdmittanceDate}}} ({{{AdmittanceOrder}}}) |
Area |
Ranked {{{AreaRank}}} |
Total |
{{{TotalArea_km2}}} km² (Expression error: Unrecognised punctuation character "{" sq mi) |
Land |
{{{LandArea_km2}}} km² (Expression error: Unrecognised punctuation character "{" sq mi) |
Water (%) |
{{{WaterArea_km2}}} km² (Expression error: Unrecognised punctuation character "{" sq mi) ({{{PercentWater}}}%) |
Population |
Ranked {{{PopulationRank}}} |
Total ({{{PopulationYear}}}) |
{{{Population}}} |
Density |
{{{Density_km2}}} /km² (Expression error: Unrecognised punctuation character "{" /sq mi) |
Ranked {{{GDP_rank}}} |
Total ({{{GDP_year}}}) |
{{{GDP_total}}} |
Per capita |
{{{GDP_per_capita}}} ({{{GDP_per_capita_rank}}}) |
Abbreviations |
Postal |
{{{PostalAbbreviation}}} |
ISO 3166-2 |
{{{ISOCode}}} |
Time zone |
{{{TimeZone}}} |
Postal code prefix |
{{{PostalCodePrefix}}} |
Flower |
{{{Flower}}} |
Tree |
{{{Tree}}} |
Bird |
{{{Bird}}} |
Web site |
{{{Website}}} |
Rankings include all provinces and territories |