Template:Infobox Political Division

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This template employs intricate features of template syntax.
You are encouraged to familiarise yourself with its setup and parser functions before editing the template. If your edit causes unexpected problems, please undo it quickly, as this template may appear on a large number of pages.
Remember that you can conduct experiments, and should test all improvements, in either the general Template sandbox or your user space before changing anything here.
[edit] Template documentation


[edit] Syntax with minimal commenting

{{Infobox Political Division 
  <!--    INFOBOX SECTION 1:  HEADLINE (appears at top of infobox)   -->
|name                        =
|alt_name1                   =
|alt_name2                   =
|alt_name3                   =
|subdivision_type            =
|subdivision_type_link       =
|subdivision_of              =
|subdivision_of_link         =
  <!--    INFOBOX SECTION 2:  FLAGS & SYMBOLS    -->
|flag_image                  =
|flag_caption                =
|symbol_image                =
|symbol_type                 =
|symbol_caption              =
  <!--    INFOBOX SECTION 3:  LOCATION MAP      -->
|map_loc_image               =
|map_width                   =
|map_loc_caption             =
|latitude_deg                =
|latitude_min                =
|latitude_ord                =
|longitude_deg               =
|longitude_min               =
|longitude_ord               =
|map_area                    =
|administration_type         =
|administration_type_link    =
|capital_name                =
|capital_type                =
|capital_link                =
|leader_title                =
|leader_title_link           =
|leader_name                 =
|leader_link                 =
|officer_title1              =
|officer_name1               =
|officer_link1               =
|officer_title2              =
|officer_name2               =
|officer_link2               =
  <!--    INFOBOX SECTION 5:  POPULATION       -->
|population_link             =
|population                  =
|population_year             =
|population_method           =
|population_method_link      =
|population_rank             =
|population_rank_of          =
|population_rank_link        =
|population2                 =
|population2_year            =
|population2_method          =
|population2_method_link     =
|population_density          =
|population_density_year     =
|population_density_rank     =
|population_density_rank_of  =
|demonym                     =
|ethnic_groups               =
|ethnic_groups_link          =
|languages                   =
|languages_link              =
  <!--    INFOBOX SECTION 6:  GEOGRAPHY      -->
|geography_link              =
|area                        =
|area_rank                   =
|area_rank_of                =
|water_area                  =
|time_zone                   =
|subdiv_link                 =
|subdiv1_type                =
|subdiv1_type_link           =
|subdiv1                     =
|subdiv1_link                =
|subdiv2_type                =
|subdiv2_type_link           =
|subdiv2                     =
|subdiv2_link                =
|subdiv3_type                =
|subdiv3_type_link           =
|subdiv3                     =
|subdiv3_link                =
|subdiv4_type                =
|subdiv4_type_link           =
|subdiv4                     =
|subdiv4_link                =
|map_div_image               =
|map_div_caption             =
|map_div_size                =
|economy_title               =
|economy_link                =
|economy_size                =
|economy_size_link           =
|economy_size_year           =
|economy_size_metric         =
|economy_size_metric_link    =
|economy_percap              =
|economy_percap_link         =
|economy_percap_metric       =
|economy_percap_metric_link  =
|economy_growth              =
|economy_growth_link         =
|economy_growth_year         =
|economy_growth_metric       =
|economy_growth_metric_link  =
|labor_force                 =
|labor_force_link            =
|labor_force_year            =
|labor_force_metric          =
|labor_force_metric_link     =
|currency                    =
|currency_link               =
|roads                       =
|roads_link                  =
|roads_metric                =
|roads_metric_link           =
|railroads                   =
|railroads_link              =
|railroads_metric            =
|railroads_metric_link       =
|airports                    =
|airports_link               =
|airports_metric             =
|airports_metric_link        =
|seaports                    =
|seaports_link               =
|seaports_metric             =
|seaports_metric_link        =
  <!--    INFOBOX SECTION 9:  IDENTIFIERS       -->
|identifiers_title           =
|iso_3166_2                  =
|calling_code                =
|calling_code_title          =
|postal_code                 =
|postal_code_title           =
|nickname                    =
|nickname_title              =
|nickname_link               =
|motto                       =
|motto_link                  =
|motto_title                 =
|anthem                      =
|anthem_link                 =
|anthem_title                =
|alt_symbol1                 =
|alt_symbol1_link            =
|alt_symbol1_title           =
|alt_symbol2                 =
|alt_symbol2_link            =
|alt_symbol2_title           =
|alt_symbol3                 =
|alt_symbol3_link            =
|alt_symbol3_title           =
  <!--    INFOBOX SECTION 10:  WEBSITE       -->
|official_website_url        =
|official_website_name       =

[edit] Syntax with full comments

{{Infobox Political Division 
  <!--    INFOBOX SECTION 1:  HEADLINE (appears at top of infobox)   -->
     <!--   Name must be specified for headline section to appear -->
|name                        =<!--Conventional common name-->
|alt_name1                   =<!--Alternate name 1; use for other languages-->
|alt_name2                   =<!--Alternate name 2; use for other languages-->
|alt_name3                   =<!--Alternate name 3; use for other languages-->
|subdivision_type            =<!--Type of division (province, state, district, etc.-->
|subdivision_type_link       =<!--Name of wiki article about division type -->
|subdivision_of              =<!--Parent of division-->
|subdivision_of_link         =<!--Name of wiki article for division parent -->
  <!--    INFOBOX SECTION 2:  FLAGS & SYMBOLS    -->
     <!--   flag_image or symbol_image must be specified for section 2 to appear -->
|flag_image                  =<!--Name of flag image, do not include Image: or wikicode-->
|flag_caption                =<!--Caption to appear under flag-->
|symbol_image                =<!--Name of symbol image, don't include wikicode-->
|symbol_type                 =<!--What kind of symbol is this?-->
|symbol_caption              =<!--Caption to appear under symbol-->
  <!--    INFOBOX SECTION 3:  LOCATION MAP      -->
     <!--   map_loc_image must be specified for section 3 to appear -->
|map_loc_image               =<!--Name of location map, do not include wikicode -->
|map_width                   =<!--Only adjust if needed-->
|map_loc_caption             =<!--Caption for map -->
|latitude_deg                =<!--Degrees latitude -->
|latitude_min                =<!--Minutes latitude -->
|latitude_ord                =<!--Latitude ordinal (N or S) -->
|longitude_deg               =<!--Degrees longitude -->
|longitude_min               =<!--Minutes longitude -->
|longitude_ord               =<!--Longitude ordinal (W or E) -->
|map_area                    =<!--Rough square km number, no commas -->
     <!--   administration_type must be specified for section 4 to appear -->
|administration_type         =<!--Short description of type of government -->
|administration_type_link    =<!--Article name relating to admin type, no wikicode -->
|capital_name                =<!--Name of capital city-->
|capital_type                =<!--Descriptor of capital, if none then "Capital"-->
|capital_link                =<!--Article related to capital city, no wikicode-->
|leader_title                =<!--Title of top administrator or head of gov't-->
|leader_title_link           =<!--Article about type of leader-->
|leader_name                 =<!--Leader name-->
|leader_link                 =<!--Article relating to leader, no wiki-->
|officer_title1              =<!--Title of major administration officer-->
|officer_name1               =<!--Major officer's name-->
|officer_link1               =<!--Article relating to major officer-->
|officer_title2              =
|officer_name2               =
|officer_link2               =
  <!--    INFOBOX SECTION 5:  POPULATION       -->
     <!--   population must be specified for section 5 to appear -->
|population_link             =<!--Article related to population of the division, no wiki-->
|population                  =<!--Best current number for population-->
|population_year             =<!--Year current number was collected-->
|population_method           =<!--Method of collection for current number-->
|population_method_link      =<!--Article related to collection method, no wiki-->
|population_rank             =<!--Rank of population within parent-->
|population_rank_of          =<!--Number of populations division is ranked within-->
|population_rank_link        =<!--Article related to population ranking-->
|population2                 =<!--Best current number for population-->
|population2_year            =<!--Year current number was collected-->
|population2_method          =<!--Method of collection for current number-->
|population2_method_link     =<!--Article related to collection method, no wiki-->
|population_density          =<!--Number of persons per km2, number only-->
|population_density_year     =<!--Year of population data for density calculation-->
|population_density_rank     =<!--Rank of population density-->
|population_density_rank_of  =<!--Number of densities in rankings-->
|demonym                     =<!--Demonym-->
|ethnic_groups               =<!--Use wiki-->
|ethnic_groups_link          =<!--Article relating to ethnic groups of the division-->
|languages                   =<!--Use wiki-->
|languages_link              =<!--Article relating to languages of the division-->
  <!--    INFOBOX SECTION 6:  GEOGRAPHY      -->
     <!--   area or time_zone must be specified for section 6 to appear -->
|geography_link              =<!--Article related to geography of the division, no wiki-->
|area                        =<!--Number of km2 area, number only, commas okay-->
|area_rank                   =<!--Rank of area-->
|area_rank_of                =<!--Number of areas in rankings-->
|water_area                  =<!--Number of km2 water area, number only, commas okay-->
|time_zone                   =<!--UTC time zone, no wiki-->
     <!--   subdiv1, subdiv1_type, or map_div_image must exist for section 7 -->
|subdiv_link                 =<!--Article related to subdivision of division-->
|subdiv1_type                =<!--Title of primary subdivision-->
|subdiv1_type_link           =<!--Article related to primary subdivision, general-->
|subdiv1                     =<!--Quantity of primary subdivision-->
|subdiv1_link                =<!--Link for quantity-->
|subdiv2_type                =
|subdiv2_type_link           =
|subdiv2                     =
|subdiv2_link                =
|subdiv3_type                =
|subdiv3_type_link           =
|subdiv3                     =
|subdiv3_link                =
|subdiv4_type                =
|subdiv4_type_link           =
|subdiv4                     =
|subdiv4_link                =
|map_div_image               =<!--Image name of subdivision map-->
|map_div_caption             =<!--Use as needed, include wiki-->
|map_div_size                =<!--Only specify if required-->
     <!--   economy_title must be specified for section 8 to exist -->
|economy_title               =Economy and Infrastructure <!--Econ or Infra as relevant-->
|economy_link                =<!--Article relating to economy of division -->
|economy_size                =<!--Number, use currency symbols as req'd-->
|economy_size_link           =<!--Link for economic data-->
|economy_size_year           =<!--Year for economic data-->
|economy_size_metric         =<!--Title for economic data-->
|economy_size_metric_link    =<!--Article relating to economic measure-->
|economy_percap              =<!--Number, use currency symbols as req'd-->
|economy_percap_link         =<!--Link for economic data-->
|economy_percap_metric       =<!--Title for economic data-->
|economy_percap_metric_link  =<!--Article relating to economic measure-->
|economy_growth              =<!--Number, use currency symbols as req'd-->
|economy_growth_link         =<!--Link for economic data-->
|economy_growth_year         =<!--Year for economic data-->
|economy_growth_metric       =<!--Title for economic data-->
|economy_growth_metric_link  =<!--Article relating to economic measure-->
|labor_force                 =<!--Number, commas okay-->
|labor_force_link            =<!--Link for economic data-->
|labor_force_year            =<!--Year for economic data-->
|labor_force_metric          =<!--Title for economic data-->
|labor_force_metric_link     =<!--Article relating to economic measure-->
|currency                    =<!--Name of currency, only if different from parent-->
|currency_link               =<!--Article pertaining to currency-->
|roads                       =<!--Length of roads in km, commas okay-->
|roads_link                  =<!--Article pertaining to roads in division-->
|roads_metric                =<!--Title of roads entry-->
|roads_metric_link           =<!--Article pertaining to road title-->
|railroads                   =<!--Length of railroads in km, commas okay-->
|railroads_link              =<!--Article pertaining to railroads in division-->
|railroads_metric            =<!--Title of railroads entry-->
|railroads_metric_link       =<!--Article pertaining to railroads title-->
|airports                    =<!--Number of airports-->
|airports_link               =<!--Article pertaining to airports in division-->
|airports_metric             =<!--Title of airports entry-->
|airports_metric_link        =<!--Article pertaining to airports title-->
|seaports                    =<!--Number of seaports-->
|seaports_link               =<!--Article pertaining to seaports in division-->
|seaports_metric             =<!--Title of seaports entry-->
|seaports_metric_link        =<!--Article pertaining to seaports title-->
  <!--    INFOBOX SECTION 9:  IDENTIFIERS       -->
     <!--   identifiers_title must be specified for section 9 to appear -->
|identifiers_title           =<!--Use as heading for section-->
|iso_3166_2                  =<!--Use ISO 3166-2 official code-->
|calling_code                =<!--Calling code(s) for division-->
|calling_code_title          =<!--Title for calling codes in division-->
|postal_code                 =<!--Postal code(s) for division-->
|postal_code_title           =<!--Title for postal codes in division-->
|nickname                    =<!--Nickname of division-->
|nickname_title              =<!--Title for nickname data-->
|nickname_link               =<!--Link for nickname-->
|motto                       =<!--Write motto, use wikicode, but no link-->
|motto_link                  =<!--Article pertaining to motto
|motto_title                 =<!--Title of motto-->
|anthem                      =<!--Write anthem, use wikicode, but no link-->
|anthem_link                 =<!--Article pertaining to anthem
|anthem_title                =<!--Title of anthem-->
|alt_symbol1                 =<!--Name of an alternate symbol of the division-->
|alt_symbol1_link            =<!--Article pertaining to the alternate symbol-->
|alt_symbol1_title           =<!--Type of symbol-->
|alt_symbol2                 =<!--Name of an alternate symbol of the division-->
|alt_symbol2_link            =<!--Article pertaining to the alternate symbol-->
|alt_symbol2_title           =<!--Type of symbol-->
|alt_symbol3                 =<!--Name of an alternate symbol of the division-->
|alt_symbol3_link            =<!--Article pertaining to the alternate symbol-->
|alt_symbol3_title           =<!--Type of symbol-->
  <!--    INFOBOX SECTION 10:  WEBSITE       -->
     <!--   official_website_url must be specified for section 10 to appear -->
|official_website_url        =<!--URL of official website for division-->
|official_website_name       =<!--Display name for link-->

[edit] Microformat

The HTML mark up produced by this template includes an hCard microformat, which makes the place-name and location parsable by computers, either acting automatically to catalogue article across Wikipedia, or via a browser tool operated by a person, to (for example) add the subject to an address book. For more information about the use of microformats on Wikipedia, please see the microformat project.

hCard uses HTML classes including:

  • "adr"
  • "county-name"
  • "fn"
  • "label"
  • "locality"
  • "nickname"
  • "note"
  • "org"
  • "vcard"

Please do not rename or remove these classes.