Template:Infobox Political Division/doc

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is a documentation subpage for Template:Infobox Political Division (see that page for the template itself).
It contains usage information, categories and other content that is not part of the original template page.


[edit] Syntax with minimal commenting

{{Infobox Political Division 
  <!--    INFOBOX SECTION 1:  HEADLINE (appears at top of infobox)   -->
|name                        =
|alt_name1                   =
|alt_name2                   =
|alt_name3                   =
|subdivision_type            =
|subdivision_type_link       =
|subdivision_of              =
|subdivision_of_link         =
  <!--    INFOBOX SECTION 2:  FLAGS & SYMBOLS    -->
|flag_image                  =
|flag_caption                =
|symbol_image                =
|symbol_type                 =
|symbol_caption              =
  <!--    INFOBOX SECTION 3:  LOCATION MAP      -->
|map_loc_image               =
|map_width                   =
|map_loc_caption             =
|latitude_deg                =
|latitude_min                =
|latitude_ord                =
|longitude_deg               =
|longitude_min               =
|longitude_ord               =
|map_area                    =
|administration_type         =
|administration_type_link    =
|capital_name                =
|capital_type                =
|capital_link                =
|leader_title                =
|leader_title_link           =
|leader_name                 =
|leader_link                 =
|officer_title1              =
|officer_name1               =
|officer_link1               =
|officer_title2              =
|officer_name2               =
|officer_link2               =
  <!--    INFOBOX SECTION 5:  POPULATION       -->
|population_link             =
|population                  =
|population_year             =
|population_method           =
|population_method_link      =
|population_rank             =
|population_rank_of          =
|population_rank_link        =
|population2                 =
|population2_year            =
|population2_method          =
|population2_method_link     =
|population_density          =
|population_density_year     =
|population_density_rank     =
|population_density_rank_of  =
|demonym                     =
|ethnic_groups               =
|ethnic_groups_link          =
|languages                   =
|languages_link              =
  <!--    INFOBOX SECTION 6:  GEOGRAPHY      -->
|geography_link              =
|area                        =
|area_rank                   =
|area_rank_of                =
|water_area                  =
|time_zone                   =
|subdiv_link                 =
|subdiv1_type                =
|subdiv1_type_link           =
|subdiv1                     =
|subdiv1_link                =
|subdiv2_type                =
|subdiv2_type_link           =
|subdiv2                     =
|subdiv2_link                =
|subdiv3_type                =
|subdiv3_type_link           =
|subdiv3                     =
|subdiv3_link                =
|subdiv4_type                =
|subdiv4_type_link           =
|subdiv4                     =
|subdiv4_link                =
|map_div_image               =
|map_div_caption             =
|map_div_size                =
|economy_title               =
|economy_link                =
|economy_size                =
|economy_size_link           =
|economy_size_year           =
|economy_size_metric         =
|economy_size_metric_link    =
|economy_percap              =
|economy_percap_link         =
|economy_percap_metric       =
|economy_percap_metric_link  =
|economy_growth              =
|economy_growth_link         =
|economy_growth_year         =
|economy_growth_metric       =
|economy_growth_metric_link  =
|labor_force                 =
|labor_force_link            =
|labor_force_year            =
|labor_force_metric          =
|labor_force_metric_link     =
|currency                    =
|currency_link               =
|roads                       =
|roads_link                  =
|roads_metric                =
|roads_metric_link           =
|railroads                   =
|railroads_link              =
|railroads_metric            =
|railroads_metric_link       =
|airports                    =
|airports_link               =
|airports_metric             =
|airports_metric_link        =
|seaports                    =
|seaports_link               =
|seaports_metric             =
|seaports_metric_link        =
  <!--    INFOBOX SECTION 9:  IDENTIFIERS       -->
|identifiers_title           =
|iso_3166_2                  =
|calling_code                =
|calling_code_title          =
|postal_code                 =
|postal_code_title           =
|nickname                    =
|nickname_title              =
|nickname_link               =
|motto                       =
|motto_link                  =
|motto_title                 =
|anthem                      =
|anthem_link                 =
|anthem_title                =
|alt_symbol1                 =
|alt_symbol1_link            =
|alt_symbol1_title           =
|alt_symbol2                 =
|alt_symbol2_link            =
|alt_symbol2_title           =
|alt_symbol3                 =
|alt_symbol3_link            =
|alt_symbol3_title           =
  <!--    INFOBOX SECTION 10:  WEBSITE       -->
|official_website_url        =
|official_website_name       =

[edit] Syntax with full comments

{{Infobox Political Division 
  <!--    INFOBOX SECTION 1:  HEADLINE (appears at top of infobox)   -->
     <!--   Name must be specified for headline section to appear -->
|name                        =<!--Conventional common name-->
|alt_name1                   =<!--Alternate name 1; use for other languages-->
|alt_name2                   =<!--Alternate name 2; use for other languages-->
|alt_name3                   =<!--Alternate name 3; use for other languages-->
|subdivision_type            =<!--Type of division (province, state, district, etc.-->
|subdivision_type_link       =<!--Name of wiki article about division type -->
|subdivision_of              =<!--Parent of division-->
|subdivision_of_link         =<!--Name of wiki article for division parent -->
  <!--    INFOBOX SECTION 2:  FLAGS & SYMBOLS    -->
     <!--   flag_image or symbol_image must be specified for section 2 to appear -->
|flag_image                  =<!--Name of flag image, do not include Image: or wikicode-->
|flag_caption                =<!--Caption to appear under flag-->
|symbol_image                =<!--Name of symbol image, don't include wikicode-->
|symbol_type                 =<!--What kind of symbol is this?-->
|symbol_caption              =<!--Caption to appear under symbol-->
  <!--    INFOBOX SECTION 3:  LOCATION MAP      -->
     <!--   map_loc_image must be specified for section 3 to appear -->
|map_loc_image               =<!--Name of location map, do not include wikicode -->
|map_width                   =<!--Only adjust if needed-->
|map_loc_caption             =<!--Caption for map -->
|latitude_deg                =<!--Degrees latitude -->
|latitude_min                =<!--Minutes latitude -->
|latitude_ord                =<!--Latitude ordinal (N or S) -->
|longitude_deg               =<!--Degrees longitude -->
|longitude_min               =<!--Minutes longitude -->
|longitude_ord               =<!--Longitude ordinal (W or E) -->
|map_area                    =<!--Rough square km number, no commas -->
     <!--   administration_type must be specified for section 4 to appear -->
|administration_type         =<!--Short description of type of government -->
|administration_type_link    =<!--Article name relating to admin type, no wikicode -->
|capital_name                =<!--Name of capital city-->
|capital_type                =<!--Descriptor of capital, if none then "Capital"-->
|capital_link                =<!--Article related to capital city, no wikicode-->
|leader_title                =<!--Title of top administrator or head of gov't-->
|leader_title_link           =<!--Article about type of leader-->
|leader_name                 =<!--Leader name-->
|leader_link                 =<!--Article relating to leader, no wiki-->
|officer_title1              =<!--Title of major administration officer-->
|officer_name1               =<!--Major officer's name-->
|officer_link1               =<!--Article relating to major officer-->
|officer_title2              =
|officer_name2               =
|officer_link2               =
  <!--    INFOBOX SECTION 5:  POPULATION       -->
     <!--   population must be specified for section 5 to appear -->
|population_link             =<!--Article related to population of the division, no wiki-->
|population                  =<!--Best current number for population-->
|population_year             =<!--Year current number was collected-->
|population_method           =<!--Method of collection for current number-->
|population_method_link      =<!--Article related to collection method, no wiki-->
|population_rank             =<!--Rank of population within parent-->
|population_rank_of          =<!--Number of populations division is ranked within-->
|population_rank_link        =<!--Article related to population ranking-->
|population2                 =<!--Best current number for population-->
|population2_year            =<!--Year current number was collected-->
|population2_method          =<!--Method of collection for current number-->
|population2_method_link     =<!--Article related to collection method, no wiki-->
|population_density          =<!--Number of persons per km2, number only-->
|population_density_year     =<!--Year of population data for density calculation-->
|population_density_rank     =<!--Rank of population density-->
|population_density_rank_of  =<!--Number of densities in rankings-->
|demonym                     =<!--Demonym-->
|ethnic_groups               =<!--Use wiki-->
|ethnic_groups_link          =<!--Article relating to ethnic groups of the division-->
|languages                   =<!--Use wiki-->
|languages_link              =<!--Article relating to languages of the division-->
  <!--    INFOBOX SECTION 6:  GEOGRAPHY      -->
     <!--   area or time_zone must be specified for section 6 to appear -->
|geography_link              =<!--Article related to geography of the division, no wiki-->
|area                        =<!--Number of km2 area, number only, commas okay-->
|area_rank                   =<!--Rank of area-->
|area_rank_of                =<!--Number of areas in rankings-->
|water_area                  =<!--Number of km2 water area, number only, commas okay-->
|time_zone                   =<!--UTC time zone, no wiki-->
     <!--   subdiv1, subdiv1_type, or map_div_image must exist for section 7 -->
|subdiv_link                 =<!--Article related to subdivision of division-->
|subdiv1_type                =<!--Title of primary subdivision-->
|subdiv1_type_link           =<!--Article related to primary subdivision, general-->
|subdiv1                     =<!--Quantity of primary subdivision-->
|subdiv1_link                =<!--Link for quantity-->
|subdiv2_type                =
|subdiv2_type_link           =
|subdiv2                     =
|subdiv2_link                =
|subdiv3_type                =
|subdiv3_type_link           =
|subdiv3                     =
|subdiv3_link                =
|subdiv4_type                =
|subdiv4_type_link           =
|subdiv4                     =
|subdiv4_link                =
|map_div_image               =<!--Image name of subdivision map-->
|map_div_caption             =<!--Use as needed, include wiki-->
|map_div_size                =<!--Only specify if required-->
     <!--   economy_title must be specified for section 8 to exist -->
|economy_title               =Economy and Infrastructure <!--Econ or Infra as relevant-->
|economy_link                =<!--Article relating to economy of division -->
|economy_size                =<!--Number, use currency symbols as req'd-->
|economy_size_link           =<!--Link for economic data-->
|economy_size_year           =<!--Year for economic data-->
|economy_size_metric         =<!--Title for economic data-->
|economy_size_metric_link    =<!--Article relating to economic measure-->
|economy_percap              =<!--Number, use currency symbols as req'd-->
|economy_percap_link         =<!--Link for economic data-->
|economy_percap_metric       =<!--Title for economic data-->
|economy_percap_metric_link  =<!--Article relating to economic measure-->
|economy_growth              =<!--Number, use currency symbols as req'd-->
|economy_growth_link         =<!--Link for economic data-->
|economy_growth_year         =<!--Year for economic data-->
|economy_growth_metric       =<!--Title for economic data-->
|economy_growth_metric_link  =<!--Article relating to economic measure-->
|labor_force                 =<!--Number, commas okay-->
|labor_force_link            =<!--Link for economic data-->
|labor_force_year            =<!--Year for economic data-->
|labor_force_metric          =<!--Title for economic data-->
|labor_force_metric_link     =<!--Article relating to economic measure-->
|currency                    =<!--Name of currency, only if different from parent-->
|currency_link               =<!--Article pertaining to currency-->
|roads                       =<!--Length of roads in km, commas okay-->
|roads_link                  =<!--Article pertaining to roads in division-->
|roads_metric                =<!--Title of roads entry-->
|roads_metric_link           =<!--Article pertaining to road title-->
|railroads                   =<!--Length of railroads in km, commas okay-->
|railroads_link              =<!--Article pertaining to railroads in division-->
|railroads_metric            =<!--Title of railroads entry-->
|railroads_metric_link       =<!--Article pertaining to railroads title-->
|airports                    =<!--Number of airports-->
|airports_link               =<!--Article pertaining to airports in division-->
|airports_metric             =<!--Title of airports entry-->
|airports_metric_link        =<!--Article pertaining to airports title-->
|seaports                    =<!--Number of seaports-->
|seaports_link               =<!--Article pertaining to seaports in division-->
|seaports_metric             =<!--Title of seaports entry-->
|seaports_metric_link        =<!--Article pertaining to seaports title-->
  <!--    INFOBOX SECTION 9:  IDENTIFIERS       -->
     <!--   identifiers_title must be specified for section 9 to appear -->
|identifiers_title           =<!--Use as heading for section-->
|iso_3166_2                  =<!--Use ISO 3166-2 official code-->
|calling_code                =<!--Calling code(s) for division-->
|calling_code_title          =<!--Title for calling codes in division-->
|postal_code                 =<!--Postal code(s) for division-->
|postal_code_title           =<!--Title for postal codes in division-->
|nickname                    =<!--Nickname of division-->
|nickname_title              =<!--Title for nickname data-->
|nickname_link               =<!--Link for nickname-->
|motto                       =<!--Write motto, use wikicode, but no link-->
|motto_link                  =<!--Article pertaining to motto
|motto_title                 =<!--Title of motto-->
|anthem                      =<!--Write anthem, use wikicode, but no link-->
|anthem_link                 =<!--Article pertaining to anthem
|anthem_title                =<!--Title of anthem-->
|alt_symbol1                 =<!--Name of an alternate symbol of the division-->
|alt_symbol1_link            =<!--Article pertaining to the alternate symbol-->
|alt_symbol1_title           =<!--Type of symbol-->
|alt_symbol2                 =<!--Name of an alternate symbol of the division-->
|alt_symbol2_link            =<!--Article pertaining to the alternate symbol-->
|alt_symbol2_title           =<!--Type of symbol-->
|alt_symbol3                 =<!--Name of an alternate symbol of the division-->
|alt_symbol3_link            =<!--Article pertaining to the alternate symbol-->
|alt_symbol3_title           =<!--Type of symbol-->
  <!--    INFOBOX SECTION 10:  WEBSITE       -->
     <!--   official_website_url must be specified for section 10 to appear -->
|official_website_url        =<!--URL of official website for division-->
|official_website_name       =<!--Display name for link-->

[edit] Microformat

The HTML mark up produced by this template includes an hCard microformat, which makes the place-name and location parsable by computers, either acting automatically to catalogue article across Wikipedia, or via a browser tool operated by a person, to (for example) add the subject to an address book. For more information about the use of microformats on Wikipedia, please see the microformat project.

hCard uses HTML classes including:

  • "adr"
  • "county-name"
  • "fn"
  • "label"
  • "locality"
  • "nickname"
  • "note"
  • "org"
  • "vcard"

Please do not rename or remove these classes.