Template:Infobox Palestinian Authority muni/doc

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This template is meant for Palestinian municipalities - cities, towns, and villages, as well as Local Development Committees.[1]

[edit] Parameters

  • name: name of the city
  • image (optional): logo of the city, basically the entire image file, e.g. Ramallah.jpg
  • imgsize (optional): size of image, if different from original (measurement is px, no need to add px to the end)
  • caption (optional): optional caption
  • arname: name/spelling of the city in Arabic
  • meaning (optional): name meaning
  • founded (optional): year in which the municipality was founded
  • type: has 6 possible values:
    • muna: a class A municipality (city)
    • munb: a class B municipality (town)
    • munc: a class C municipality (town)
    • mund: a class D municipality (village council)
    • ldca: a class A local development committee
    • ldcb: a class B local development committee
    • ref: a refugee camp
  • typefrom (optional): when it was declared a city/local council
  • altOffSp (optional): alternative official transliterations, e.g. Tulkarem
  • altUnoSp (optional): alternative unofficial transliterations, e.g. Tul Qarem
  • governorate: governorate of the municipality, can have 16 possible values:
    • jn: Jenin Governorate
    • tb: Tubas Governorate
    • tk: Tulkarm Governorate
    • nb: Nablus Governorate
    • ql: Qalqilya Governorate
    • sl: Salfit Governorate
    • rb: Ramallah and Al-Bireh Governorate
    • jr: Jericho Governorate
    • jl: Jerusalem Governorate
    • bl: Bethlehem Governorate
    • hb: Hebron Governorate
    • ng: North Gaza Governorate
    • gz: Gaza Governorate
    • db: Deir el-Balah Governorate
    • ky: Khan Yunis Governorate
    • rf: Rafah Governorate
  • population: population of the municipality
  • popyear (optional): year in which the census (or estimate, since the last complete census was in 1995) was made
  • area: jurisdiction of the municipality, dunams (the local measurement unit for measuring jurisdiction)
  • areakm (optional): same, in squared kilometers (dunams/1000)
  • mayor (optional): head of municipality (either mayor or head of council)
  • map_type The Location Map (see template:Location map to be used for locating subject on map (there is a Template:Location_map_Israel/Palestinian_territories which can be used.
  • latitude For use with map_type parameter. This is for the latitude of the subject -- do not be overly precise, also this may require some tinkering to get the correct location.
  • longitude Same as latitude, except this parameter sets the longitude.

[edit] Usage

{{Infobox Palestinian Authority muni

[edit] Microformat

The HTML mark up produced by this template includes an hCard microformat, which makes the place-name and location parsable by computers, either acting automatically to catalogue article across Wikipedia, or via a browser tool operated by a person, to (for example) add the subject to an address book. Within the hCard is a Geo microformat, which additionally makes the coordinates (latitude & longitude) parsable, so that they can be, say, looked up on a map, or downloaded to a GPS unit. For more information about the use of microformats on Wikipedia, please see the microformat project.

hCard uses HTML classes including:

  • "adr"
  • "county-name"
  • "fn"
  • "label"
  • "locality"
  • "nickname"
  • "note"
  • "org"
  • "region"
  • "street-address"
  • "vcard"

Geo is produced by calling {{coord}}, and uses HTML classes:

  • "geo"
  • "latitude"
  • "longitude"

Please do not rename or remove these classes.

When giving coordinates, please don't be overly precise.

This template employs intricate features of template syntax.
You are encouraged to familiarise yourself with its setup and parser functions before editing the template. If your edit causes unexpected problems, please undo it quickly, as this template may appear on a large number of pages.
Remember that you can conduct experiments, and should test all improvements, in either the general Template sandbox or your user space before changing anything here.