Template:Infobox Legislature Historic

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Infobox to be used in articles about a former legislature, assembly, congress, etc.


[edit] Blank syntax

{{Infobox Legislature Historic
 | name          = 
 | image         = 
 | entity        =
 | type          = 
 | houses        = 
 | members       = 
 | location      = 
 | year          = 
 | year2         = 
 | before        =
 | after         =
 | notes         = 

[edit] Guide

Name is the only required field, everything else is optional.

  • name - name of the legislature, likely the article title
  • image - add image name, size is adjustable
  • entity - name of the country, state, or other political unit
  • type - what kind of legislature was it: unicameral, bicameral, tricameral, etc.
  • houses - name of each chamber, use <br> to separate
  • members - number of seats
  • location - where is it: city, state, building, country, be as specific as you want
  • year - what year was the body formed
  • year2 - what year was the body disbanded
  • before - name of previous body if any
  • after - name of new body if any
  • notes - add any notes