Template:Infobox Constellation

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[[Image:{{{name}}} constellation map.png|300px|{{{name}}}]]
Click for larger image
[[List of stars in {{{name}}}]]
Right ascension: h
Declination: °
Area: sq. deg.
Main stars:
Bayer/Flamsteed stars:
Stars known to have planets:
Bright stars:
Nearby stars:
Brightest star:  (m)
Nearest star:  ( ly)
Messier objects:
Meteor showers:
Bordering constellations:
Visible at latitudes between +° and −°
Best visible at 21:00 (9 p.m.) during the month of {{{month}}}

[edit] Usage

{{Infobox Constellation
| name = 
| abbreviation = 
| genitive = 
| symbology = 
| RA = 
| dec = 
| areatotal = 
| arearank = 
| numbermainstars = 
| numberbfstars = 
| numberstarsplanets = 
| numberbrightstars = 
| numbernearbystars = 
| brighteststarname = 
| starmagnitude = 
| neareststarname = 
| stardistance = 
| numbermessierobjects = 
| meteorshowers = 
| bordering = 
| latmax = 
| latmin = 
| month = 
| notes = 