Template:Infobox Chickenbreed

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Conservation Status {{{status}}}
Other names {{{altname}}}
Country of origin {{{country}}}
Nicknames {{{nickname}}}
[edit] Template documentation

[edit] Usage

{{Infobox Chickenbreed
| name          = Name of Chicken
| image         = Image.ext
| imagecaption  = Caption
| status        = Conservation status
| altname       = ''Alternate name'' these must be on one line with <br> separating them
| country       = Country of Origin
| nickname      = Nickname these must be on one line with <br> separating them
| apa           = Recognized by the APA (yes, if no leave blank)
| apagroup      = APA standards (American, English, Continental, Asiatic, Mediterranean, Other breeds) 
| aba           = Recognized by the ABA (yes, if no leave blank)
| abagroup      = ABA standards (Game, Single Comb and Clean Legged, Rose Comb and Clean Legged, All Other Combs and Clean Legged, Feather Legged)
| extinct       = Yes (if no leave blank)
| maleweight    = M Weight
| femaleweight  = F Weight
| skincolor     = S Color
| eggcolor      = E Color
| comb          = Type
| note          = Extra notes

[edit] Example

Dutch Bantam
Conservation Status Common
Other names Hollandse Krielsen (Dutch)
Country of origin the Netherlands
APA Single Comb, Clean Legged Bantams

[edit] See also