Information networks

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Information networks means utilizing information in versatile human and technical networks to enhance knowledge, business or social aims. In particular, it involves research, educational and professional networking. It may utilize information portal or other type of collaborative networking for sharing information.

Information networks refer to utilizing the contemporary networking technologies such as Internet and wireless communication for distributing and sharing information among these different technical networks that any human network can benefit of. Essentially, information network is linked to exchanging information between interest groups within and between human institutions such as companies, universities, research organizations, and communities.


[edit] University Degree Programs

There are multidisciplinary degree programs at certain universities for this theme that combine technical and human network studies in a scientific manner.

[edit] Research Information Networks

[edit] Multidisciplinary Research Networks

CIESIN (The Center for International Earth Science Information Network) is an Information Network research center within the Earth Institute at Columbia University. CIESIN works at the intersection of the social, natural, and information sciences, and specializes in on-line data and information management, spatial data integration and training, and interdisciplinary research related to human interactions in the environment.

[edit] University-Industry Research Centers

Information Network can be established with industry and university, and focus on some specific area such as wireless communication research. At New Jersey’s Rutgers University industry-university cooperative research center Wireless Information Networks laboratory focused on wireless technology was founded in 1989. Another example is (CWINS) is a wireless research laboratory with research alliances with other industrial and academic groups. The center has performed research for government agencies and has close ties with the world-leading organizations in the wireless industry.

[edit] Information Network Portals

Information Network may be seen also as a www-portal, blog or library service. These examplify the human and technical sides of the information networking.
