Industry Foundation Classes

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The Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) data model is a neutral and open specification that is not controlled by a singular vendor or group of vendors. It is an object oriented file format with a data model developed by the International Alliance for Interoperability (IAI) to facilitate interoperability in the building industry, and is a commonly used format for Building Information Modeling (BIM). The IFC model specification is open and available.[1] Because of its focus on ease of interoperability between software platforms the Danish government has made the use of IFC format(s) compulsory for publicly aided building projects.[2]


[edit] IFC/ifcXML Specifications

  • ifcXML2x3 (June 2007)
  • IFC2x3 (February 2006)
  • ifcXML2 for IFC2x2 add1 (RC2)
  • IFC2x2 Addendum 1 (July 2004)
  • ifcXML2 for IFC2x2 (RC1)
  • IFC 2x2
  • IFC 2x Addendum 1
  • ifcXML1 for IFC2x and IFC2x Addendum 1
  • IFC 2x
  • IFC 2.0
  • IFC 1.5.1
  • IFC 1.5[3]

[edit] Software vendors supporting IFC

[edit] External links

[edit] References

  1. ^  Nemetschek North America Announces Public Beta for Upcoming IFC Version 2x3 Plug-ins
  2. ^  General Information about Graphisoft and IFC
  3. ^  List of available Archicad IFC Add-ons
  4. ^  Bentley's Commitment to Open Standards and Interoperability
  5. ^  Revit IFC certification
  6. ^ GTC: Graitec Transfer Center - CAD and Analysis software interoperability
  1. ^ IAI International
  2. ^ Det Digitale Byggeri - Forsiden
  3. ^ IAI International