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Indrabhuti, a Mahasiddha, was a disciple of Lawapa.[1]

Choudhury (2007: p.6) states:

The Sidhacharyas popularised the tenets of vajrayana by composing numerous texts. Indrabhuti, disciple of the saint Kambalapada, created a sensation by composing his famous treatise 'yajnasidhi'.[2]

Indrabhuti learned of 'insight' (Sanskrit: prajñā) though the instruction of Tilopa.[clarify]

[edit] See also

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ TBRC P0RK287. The Tibetan Buddhism Resource Center (2006). Retrieved on 2008-03-22. “kambha la pa”
  2. ^ Choudhury, Janmejaya (2007). "The Antiquity of Tantricism." Orissa Review. September-October - 2007. Source: [1] (accessed: January 30, 2008)