Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Udan Academy
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The Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Uran Akademi is one of the best Flying clubs in South Asia. It is located in Fursatganj Air Field, Raebareli, Uttar Pradesh, India, Pin- 229302, Phone- 0535-202096, 202097, 2020808. It is the most preferred flying clubs of India as it has the most modern and sophisticated trainer aircraft and the best of the flying and ground staff. The club also has the largest hostels and best infrastructure.
It should also help those candidates who want to be CPL HOLDERS but can not afford the expenditure, but still have a dream to be a commercial pilot.
[edit] See also
The following courses are offered:
Ab-initio to Commercial Pilot Licence Course & B.Sc. (Aviation) Degree.
Commercial Pilots Licence (CPL) course for Private Pilots Licence (PPL) holders, including foreign nationals.
Simulator training course.
Multi Engine endorsement course .
Instrument Rating course .
Refresher course for CFI/PII of flying clubs.
Ground Training for Prospective Flying Instructors.
Licence issue/ renewal tests and Licence endorsement checks.
Of these, the PPL/ CPL courses, mentioned above, are conducted on regular basis. The other courses are conducted on request.
Flying training for PPL is carried out on single engine aircraft on Zlin/TB-20 for 60 hours.
For CPL Course, trainees carry out 125 hrs flying on TB-20 aircraft, comprising 45 hrs dual and 80 hrs solo flying. Thereafter, they fly 15 hrs on King Air C 90A aircraft to graduate with CPL with both Single and Multi Engine aircraft Endorsement with Instrument Rating (IR). In addition, trainees undergo 20 hrs training on TB-20 & King Air C-90 A Simulators each.
It may be pertinent to mention here that IGRUA is one of the few academies in the world, which can boast of giving multi-engine endorsement direct on a turbo-prop aircraft.
Commercial Pilot License from ab-initio stage with I/R multi-engine endorsement & BSc (aviation)
Ground Training
No. of Lectures
(1 hr each)
Simulator Training
Flying Training
Air Navigation
50 120 20 hr Pilot Flying on Cockpit Procedure Trainer of TB–20 aircraft. 1. 20 hrs
Pilot Flying on Cockpit Procedure Trainer (CPT)of TB–20 aircraft.
60 hr on Single Engine aircraft 1. 125 hrs on TB–20 Aircraft.
Flight Planning
20 60
Aviation Meteorology
40 80
Air Frames & Engines (Tech. Gen.)
30 80 2. 15 hrs. on King Air C-90 A
Tech. Specific TB – 20 King Air
40 40
2. 20 hrs. Flying on King Air C–90 A Flight Simulator
Air Regulations
30 70
Cockpit Resource Management
Training Films
210 565
Rates for Training/ Endorsement/ Renewal
Particulars Individual Corporate Sponsored Candidates
1. PPL Rs.4,25,000* - 2.
PPL+CPL Rs.16,50,000* -
CPL Rs.12,50,000* -
King Air aircraft per hr Rs. 45,000* Rs. 50,000*
TB-20/ Zlin aircraft per hr Rs. 14,000* -
TB-20 Simulator per hr Rs. 2,000* Rs. 2,500*
HPT per hr Rs. 200* Rs. 400*
WOMBAT Rs. 2,750* Rs. 5,000*
King Air Simulator per hr Rs. 10,000* Rs. 13,000*
- The rate are under revision
Regards AbD