Indice de Precio Selectivo de Acciones

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The Indice de Precio Selectivo de Acciones (IPSA) is an index consisting of the following 40 companies traded at the Bolsa de Comercio de Santiago.

Symbol Company Industry
ALMENDRAL Almendral Telecoms
ANDINA-B Embotelladora Andina Beverages
ANTARCHILE Antarchile Conglomerate
BANMEDICA Banmedica Health Insurance & Health care provider
BCI Banco de Crédito e Inversiones Banks
BSANTANDER Banco Santander Santiago Banks
CAP Compañía de Acero del Pacífico Mining
CENCOSUD Cencosud Retailers
CERVEZAS Compañía Cervecerías Unidas Beverages
CGE Compañía General de Electricidad Electricity
CHILE Banco de Chile Banks
CMPC Empresas CMPC Wood Pulp
COLBUN Colbun Electricity
CONCHATORO Viña Concha y Toro Wines
COPEC Empresas Copec Conglomerate
CORPBANCA Corpbanca Banks
CTC Telefonica Chile Telecoms
D&S Distribución y Servicio Retailers
EDELNOR Empresa Eléctrica del Norte Grande Electricity
ENDESA Empresa Nacional de Electricidad Electricity
ENERSIS Enersis Electricity
ENTEL Entel Chile Telecoms
FALABELLA S.A.C.I. Falabella Retailers
FORUS Forus Retailers
GENER AES Gener Electricity
IAM Inversiones Aguas Metropolitanas Water & Sanitation
IANSA Iansa Sugar Producer
LA POLAR La Polar Retailers
LAN LAN Airlines Airline
MADECO Madeco Manufacturing
MASISA Masisa Manufacturing
MULTIFOODS Multifoods Fish & Seafood Producer
PARAUCO Parque Arauco S.A. Shopping Mall Developer
RIPLEY Ripley Retailers
SALFACORP Salfacorp Real Estate Developer
SK Sidgo Koppers Conglomerate
SOCOVESA Socovesa Real Estate Developer
SONDA Sonda Software
SQM-B Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile Chemicals
VAPORES Compañía Sudamericana de Vapores Shipping