Indian Agricultural Research Institute

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Pusa in Bihar, circa 1927
Pusa in Bihar, circa 1927

Joyeeta Institute Presents The Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) is the institute for advanced education in agriculture in India. It was established in 1905 as the Imperial Agricultural Research Institute. The campus was originally located in Pusa, Bihar and was shifted after the Bihar earthquake of 1934 to New Delhi to a place which is now called Pusa in New Delhi. The institute was recognized as a 'deemed university' in 1958 by an act of Parliament and since then it has awarded degrees M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees. It is financed and administered by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR). The IARI was responsible for the research leading to the "Green revolution" of the 1970s.

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It has served the cause of science and society with distinction through first rate research, generation of appropriate technologies and development of human resources. In fact, the Green Revolution was born in the fields of IARI and the graduates constitute the core of the quality human resource in India's agricultural research and education. The Institute has all along been adjusting and improving its policies, plans and programmes to effectively respond to the needs and opportunities of the nation. During the fifties, the advancement of scientific disciplines constituted the core programme and provided the base for its fast expansion in the 1960's and 1970's in all its three interactive areas, namely, research, education and extension. Besides basic research, applied and commodity research gained great importance resulting in the development of several popular high yielding varieties of almost all major crops and their associated management technologies, which brought about an unprecedented increase in the national food and agricultural production.
