Indō Yoriyasu

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Indō Yoriyasu (犬童頼安? 15211606) was a full-fledged retainer of the Sagara clan during the late Sengoku period of feudal Japan. Being the son of Indō Shigeyasu, Yoriyasu was directly related to the Sagara of Higo Province and was thus obligated to assist them as a retainer after he came of age. As Yoriyasu presently remained a mere child, a senior retainer by the name of Sagara Nagasada gave the order to wipe out the entire Indō family, an action which forced the members of the clan to give Yoriyasu to a neighboring Buddhist temple that would protect him from potential harm by the hands of the Sagara. By the late 1570s, Yoriyasu had reached adulthood and enlisted himself beneath the Sagara clan as a retainer, at which they accepted his proposal, allowing him to support their cause during the 1581 Siege of Minamata, where Yoriyasu distinguished himself on the battlefield. Continuing to fight against the Shimazu clan with a high level of bravery to back his goodwill towards the Sagara, Minamata nonetheless fell after being overwhelmed by the opposition. As Sagara Yoshiaki had forceably committed suicide, Yoriyasu had little other choice then to support the Shimazu, but decided to discard such a resolution and instead remain in a Buddhist temple for the remainder of his life.

[edit] References

  1. Indo Yoriyasu - SamuraiWiki. (Samurai Archives) FWSeal & CEWest, 2005